Thank you for posting this @scottsantens.
Basic income gives people the option to say "No". This is an often overlooked aspect of it. You mentioned freedom. People who have to take a job simply because there are bills to pay is not experiencing freedom. That is slavery no matter how you slice it.
I concluded that those who oppose a basic income, at least the concept, are in favor of enslaving people. That sounds harsh and those people would deny it yet that is what their viewpoint is saying. Yes we can debate how to pay for it, that is legitimate. But saying UBI is should not be implemented shows one is in favor of others being enslaved.
I love what Elon Musk is something we are going to have to do.
He didnt debate it, engage about it, simple said we are going to have to do it.
It is unavoidable. The next recession, in my view, will only speed up the pace of automation. After that, we will see technological unemployment really start to accelerate. A big part of the problem is people still believe the rhetoric that it was the Chinese or Mexicans or immigrants who took the jobs. It was technology yet the politicians do not speak of this.