I've read the explanation posts (may even have understood them) and have a couple of questions.
Are you making a decent profit from this, that scales with the size of the program? I'm asking this not because I think you shouldn't be, but because I'm hoping you do. Because this is a very long-term project, I'm concerned that you might not have sufficient motivation to continue it as it scales up.
Upvoting rewards seem to be scaled by percentage upvote rather than by upvote value, which seems strange to me. Could you elaborate on the reasoning for that? It seems like I would get the same bonus per upvote now when it's worth $.01 as I would once my delegation expires and it's worth $.70 again. I'm not necessarily against that but I'd like to know more about why you chose to do it that way.
Thanks for stopping by. It sounds like you do understand the program.
Thank you.