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RE: What would a legitimate basic income buy?

in #basicincome8 years ago

Your last two articles just revolutionized the way I see the world once more.

You ask: Why to avoid thinking?
Too much thinking creates and re –in forces
the ‘me’ - person or ego – identity.
Therefore avoid this habit.
When the mind remains silent and empty, it merges in Beingness -it’s natural state. ~ Mooji

Discovery consists in seeing what everyone else has seen and thinking what no one else has thought. - Albert Szent-Gyorgi


Your feedback is worth more than an rewards Steemit could pay.

"Too much thinking creates and re –in forces the ‘me’ - person or ego – identity."

Really though, could there be a more harmful statement?

It's essentially saying "Don't think too much, you might become someone of importance and start to think highly of yourself"

The ego is not harmful. It is the essential thing that is "you". It shouldn't be silenced, but properly utilized, and as far as it's possible, reflect on its position, outlook and past behaviours.

Sometimes we need to be silent to do these things, but that doesn't mean that you stop "thinking" or that you stop using your brain.

Proper meditation is meant to induce clearity, not death. It is meant to enable, rather than disable you.



So why not upvote?

I voted now. I came back here to vote and saw your comment.

I did vote only with 1% and I'm thinking about making those kind of votes on post I recognized as important but who might not necessarily need more $ or who don't accept monetary reward.

It's tricky because I wouldn't want other place for this post other than all the way up to the top of today's post. This is so because I feel like this post deserve more visibility than any other post made today and that I feel everyone would gain from understanding this post. So I'm thinking I might be voting with 100% power in similar situation in the future taking in consideration post's visibility and other factors.

Now all thing reconsidered, I feel like, as time pass, it will be made clear that everyone will gain from making sure to read what big Steem shareholders are publishing so visibility might not be such an issue. We'll see.

Steem is so full of dynamics I am not habituated to. I'm learning everyday.

I was replying to @dantheman. I didn't understand why he said someone's opinion is valuable but he didn't upvote.

Haha! Funny misunderstanding! Maybe the fact that I hadn't even cared to upvote my comment before he made his. My answer to your question even though it wasn't address to me still stands.