What will people do if they are given money without conditions? Will they work more? Would they take days off? Will they become lazy?
These were some of the questions that the project developed by the government of Finland was trying to answer.
What is this project about?
Well, it's actually quite simple, the original project consists of selecting from a group of 175,000 unemployed people, in an age range of 25 to 58 years, to deliver to 2000 of them, during a period of 24 months, an income basic equivalent to 560 euros tax-free monthly.

During the experiment, those selected would still receive universal basic income even if they decided to find work, that is, the income was unconditional.
Because some of the elected ones received more than 560 euros in Social Security grants, they were also paid the difference between the amount received and the 560 euros. However, people who during the two years of the experiment have found work, or exceeded the maximum amount of public aid established, saw their benefits reduced, but continue to receive basic income until the project ends.
Although the plan was to extend the scope of the project to larger groups of the population, the Government of Finland announced that it has preferred to end the program.

Well, in a previous publication I addressed the issue of the Universal Basic Income and the possible causes of its failure, you can find this publication by clicking here, however, it would be unfair for me to qualify the suspension of this project as a failure of the Basic Income Universal, since according to the classic definition, Universal Basic Income is an unconditional periodic payment received by all citizens, without income or employment requirements; and this program designed by the government of Finland, is simply a Basic Income program, because it lacks universality, which makes it a common subsidy like the many others we already know.
I have heard statements from different people who say that the project failed because it was not implemented universally, however, I believe that this project did not have an even more resounding failure due to the same reason.
We can not say that the Finnish project does not go beyond being an unemployment subsidy, because despite the fact that the population selected to receive this income were exclusively people who at the time of starting the project were unemployed, if the participants got employment once the project started, they would continue to receive the income, which is not the case with unemployment subsidies.
Other important factors were the fact that the subsidy was only given to 2000 people out of a total population of more than 5 million inhabitants, in addition to the fact that the majority of those selected already received some kind of unemployment benefit, among others types of social assistance, so because the project was used in a very small population, and because the Basic Income represented only a small increase in correlation to the social assistance that they already received, there was no considerable increase in the money supply in circulation, so there was no impact on inflation.
However, the government of Finland decided that the model implemented in the project did not meet the requirements because it did not yield the expected results. Now we just have to wait for the results of the other projects that are being carried out in Canada, Holland, Scotland, Kenya and India.
There will be a global government and I believe it could be any of the Marxist thought. They will have a global currency and will Control us via some sort of basic income idea. Atheism will be promoted and evolution will be taught from kindergarten.
I hope that does not happen while I'm still alive.
In short, the very words universal basic income are repugnant.
Once we are all on the program, who would decide what each will receive? Who would we beg if we feel that we don't have enough? It is the ultimate control.
The more you are inflicted with pain the more you can bear and the masters will suck you dry. It is evident in our current tax system. We started out with nothing and now, not even 3 generations down the line, the bastards keep on inflicting ever increasing pain.
Stop being so dramatic. You'd think that it will be the end of the world.
Nothing in any basic income approach talks about the elimination of private property, the removal of classes, or everyone sharing resources equally. If that were the case, a universal income would be scaled based upon what people have.
Well, although UBI fundamentally does not propose what you describe, it is possible that for it to be implemented, it requires a level of economic transformation, as I described it here. For what it would force us to change to a model of socialist / communist economy.
Please don't spread this misinformation. The experiment did not fail. It was not cut short. The experiment was designed to go from the beginning of 2017 to the end of 2018. It will continue as planned and the results will be published as planned in late 2019 or early 2020. At that point and only at that point can we evaluate it as having succeeded or failed. And at that point, Finland will decide what to do next.
Finland has already decided not to continue it, the project was suspended, they will conclude the project until the date that was originally scheduled, but they will not expand or continue it.
photography Nice post, success is always for you friend
Short answer: yes
Long answer: Yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssss