
Hi @cyber.explorer, I've been hearing about this "Black Mirror" series being similar to steemit in terms of reputations. I will have to look this up now, sounds interesting.

Hi @vaansteam, thank you again for this imformative post. Makes wonder sometimes wonder where are you getting all these information from? You've must have been doing a lot of research and for that, thank you!😃

I have watched Black Mirror on Netflix. Try to see if it's available where you are.
Specifically the episode from season 1 "Fifteen Million Merits", in addition to the episode from season 3 "Nosedive"

Alright! Thank you for the suggestion. Although I do not have a Netflix subscription, I will still find other ways to find that. =)

@superstarxtala I did a lot of research. I make sure I know everything before I post something. I hope you a blessed day where ever you are!

@cyber.explorer You're welcome!. I never saw Black mirror before. I'll have to check it out