You can tell that this author has put a lot of time and thought into this post. They do an excellent job of giving their thoughts on Bastaits's works, one point that I really agreed with that the author wrote about was when they brought up Bastaits' analogy for supply and demand.
is that if the sun was extinguished, then candles would be in higher demand, and candlemakers would make more money
While this quote is obviously exaggerated the point still holds true. When dealing with our economy it is important for us to realize that we need an influx of supply and demand in the order for our society to work. Even though most of us would prefer not to spend more money when it comes to inflation, but the truth of the matter is that in order for our society to function we need the inconvenience of market fluctuations.
This brings me to the next part of the author's post which I have to agree with. Their next section is about taxation in our community and why there are both good and bad things that come with it. And as in most things in life, things can not be wholly good or bad and it is my opinion that this holds true for taxes as well. The point brought up in this post was that taxes should be used in order to better the community; however, they should not be taken from the working people and given to those who make no effort to make money of their own, and as a result, do not pay taxes.
And the discussion of taxes brings us to the final talking point of the post, laws and how they affect everyday people. The author of this post goes into detail about how the people on the side of the law are oftentimes easily susceptible to power madness as once they get a taste they sometimes go to the extremist side and misuse their power oftentimes in order to hurt those they think of as less than them. I think this is interesting because it shows the duality of power, while some go into law to show others that there are people supporting them others go into it for no reason other than the fact that they want to hold people down. Even though there are bad individuals in our law system for most it is a worse thought to think of a world in total chaos where they don’t have anyone to fall back on, so while our justice system is not perfect it is the best one we have at this time.