I found your essay provides a very clear overview after highlighting Bastiat's views on taxation, limited government, and individual freedom. You provided a clear reflection on the content, indicating a good understanding of the reading.
The law should not be a tool of oppression, but rather a means of ensuring that society operates in a fair and just manner.
I could not agree more with this statement. We count on the law to protect us and often see it as a real-life shield. However, often these days, we see the law used as unjustified treatment towards others or the power of having control of someone or something in the wrong matter. I also agree with the law only being allowed to protect our freedom and the properties of us citizens. With that being said, I believe there would be a significant shift in how people perceive the law as opposed to how they perceive it now.
When it comes to the government, I stand by Bastiat's arguments and thoughts on them. I find where Bastiat contends that the basic function of government is to protect individual rights and property since, in the absence of such protection, society would disintegrate is very informing. I can understand how the government may be twisted and bent in a variety of ways, allowing individuals to utilize it in their way rather than the correct one. To my understanding, the government can have numerous meanings to citizens, as other personal opinions and misconceptions about it. Our society would undoubtedly become more chaotic if our government did not exist; nonetheless, the government should exist solely to punish those who hurt or seek to harm, another person. I thought you did a good job of summarizing Bastiat's chapter's important points and painting a clear image of his view on government.
In your "Tax on Light" paragraph, you also emphasize Bastiat's primary ideas in the article, which criticizes the concept of protectionism and its influence on individual freedom and the market. The author discusses how Bastiat employs irony and humor to make his case, arguing that protectionism is a barrier to growth and innovation rather than a solution to competition.
Overall, I found that your essay serves as a great introduction to Frédéric Bastiat's theories and gives a brief review of the important issues in "The Bastiat Collection."