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RE: The Old Dog Reports: The Attack Begins Again! Announcing a 100 Steem Bounty!

in #battle8 years ago

just replied to @jredded 's Get Ants Out Of Your Home and Garden - Organically! as he mentioned you, here i am, a noobie here, made my 1st post today and apologize I missed yours,following you now @kus-knee. Here's a proven method on fire ants in Arizona. Boric acid powder mixed with sugar. Put it on and around the entry hole of their nest or where the come into your home. Totally non-toxic to humans Boric acid solution is old-time eye was remedy. The ants will consume it and carry it back to the nest .It dries them out from the inside and since they share with the queen,voila, takes out the entire population...anticide !!!