“Building A Brewery NFT Card Strategy To Earn And Reward Cryptocurrency”

in #battlelast month

The greatest part of running a content creation business is thinking up of fun little creative models and projects. Since starting my first LEGO unboxing channel on Youtube I have had dreams of my ability to work with local businesses. I'm working on a creative project to fund a beer marketing promotion business model. As a gaming content creator on the Hive blockchain, my content is reaching investors and creators who are also interested in cryptocurrency. By posting on my blog on boycharlieplays.com I also create funding from my creative writing and media reaching the blockchain. The idea would take a special certain "DCity Non-Fungible Token card" that produces Hive-Engine tokens created to allow other members on the blockchain to share their community tokens. The NFTs are creative collaborations with the creator @gerber to produce their token. The benefit to these Business & Citizen NFTs that produce "alternative tokens" is providing income streams that are not negatively affected by the game's government taxes (The in-game tokens "SIM" are affected by the decisions of the in-game government(president) and the adjustment of the Income Tax).

DCity Collective Report: 100 Breweries in BoyCharliePlays City

CardID #
Brewery311721, 311810, 312202, 312216, 312342, 343554, 314038, 315495, 315575,318850,320226,321123,684532,753803,763873,763881,766045, 766056, 766180, 770817, 823744, 823822, 823827, 823892, 824284, 824553, 824733, 825272, 825904, 825929, 825983, 1248407, 1248685, 1248688, 1426841, 1436296, 1437874, 1437914, 1437931, 1438047, 1453331, 1453343

This is a list of all current Brewery NFT cards in boycharlieplays city.

BEER Token

Most alcohol and beer commercials on the radio or television will tell you in much of their promotion that "BEER is the life elixir." This community token describes itself as having "...brought together many circles and commented sections together with free tokens". On the Hive blockchain, users hold BEER in their wallets and reward BEER based on the stake. 21 BEER tokens in the wallet allow for up to 0.10 BEER tokens to be sent to others with the comment "!BEER". BEER token was founded and minted by @detlev and ISSUED to the @beerLover account to spread the #BEER around the blockchain. BEER token earned by being awarded by other BEER lovers who tip in BEER.


What is next for the project?

On Sunday 5/2/2021 we moved over all of the Brewery Business cards NFTs from boycharliefamily city to boycharlieplays city.

By July I want to have all of 100 of the Brewery NFTs before I start to reach out to local breweries about partnering with the channel. Their store or brand could be featured as the name of the Brewery in the name of the project.

The project will end when 30 Brewery Cards have been held by the @boycharlieplays account for 30 days. This data will show the benefits of investing and holding onto @dcitygame Non Fungible Tokens for One Strong Creator Programming.

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