Ha ha ha. Today morning I was going to drop off my son for his basketball practice and he shouted in the lobby "dad come down fast, see what's here". I ran downstairs with curiosity and asked him "what? where?". He replied" look so many small ants". There was a number of them and we found a heap of sand beside the door. I told my son don't worry it's natural and in India I used to sleep in the farm very close to swarms of such ants. But anyway I will show your post to him once he will be back that we are not alone!!
What a way to share your daily life experiences kus-knee, really love your way of doing it.
Last year my sister's house was like yours but ants' size was bigger. They were eating the wood in the roof and were almost everywhere in the house. They called some company who advertised for pest control solutions. These guys injected lot of pesticides into the walls and kept my sister's family out of house for about 6 hours. Now they never seen a single ant in the house.
What a coincidence! It is attack time. It sound like your sister had carpenter ants! Nasty!
Yes they were big and nasty. But they got rid of them once for all.
Carpenter ants are disgusting. They have such huge jaws, I would hate to receive a bite from them.