Welcome to the new series by me called I don't even know why I bought this game. Lord Gaben striked my wallet again with the daily and weekly discounts on games and I thought that I just bought another game that will end up in the pile of games which their gameplay time remained under 45 minutes in my Steam account.

Battle Brothers is a turn based tactical RPG which has you leading a mercenary company in a gritty, low-power, medieval fantasy world. You decide where to go, whom to hire or to fight, what contracts to take and how to train and equip your men in a procedurally generated open world campaign.
We are travelling through the desert and forest with my man , wandering in the depts of this mysterious world in order to find some bandit and the big shots who hired us , didn't even mention that we need to travel that much to hunt those bandits , I need to take decisions and do best for my men , Well I might be little over reacting but this is how I become when a mission took a lot more time than I thought in the game.
After every battle we need to spend every single coin we earned to food , weapons and health supplies and I wanted to keep my man alive in order to continue to vicious quest. There are cities and castles in the sea shores and I couldn't even imagine there would be so much possibility in a turn based strategy game , It kind of reminds me the old game Disciples. I was loving it too when I was kid and this game woke a positive feelings in me at the beggining.
I really like to rule and be leader of a company which will fight only for money and the game is pretty balanced. The main problem I observed in most of the games are imbalanced classes and broken meta tactics. However Battle Brothers provide a much smoother but perfectly designed combat experience , it reminds me Age of Empire eventhough it is irrelevant , basicly maces are stronger to shields and swords are faster and stronger than swords , there is an elegant balance between all those equipments and you need to be quite carefull when you are arming your crew.
All of the soldiers look like chess pieces like big cute heads , however the graphics in the wars are still brutal and you might face that your little bubbly heads getting chopped by a huge axe , then things will get messier. Overall it is a decent game that will take a quite time because the open world is quite huge for a game like this. However like every game I got several points I didn't like , first of all unlike the all new games this game is not player friendly the amount of tutorials are not enough for you to grasp the gameplay , therefore you might face with some difficulties while you are playing the game. Some gamers prefer to play in hard way but I think most of the game should have more player friendly begginings.
Second of all I didn't like the fact that all your soldiers are like chess pieces and they are giant heads , I can't argue with the choice but as a gamer I just didn't like it and things might get confusing when your mercenaries gets bigger and bigger , secondly the company management screen is a mess , it is doing more harm then helping because when you are checking inventory and when you have a lot of things to manage this becomes a pain in the arse.
Battle Brothers - Trailer

Well I can't deny the fact that I'm really fan of medieveal era strategy game because everything was better without guns , I prefer manlier battles. Despite the all the problems in the game like it is not getting balance patch anymore for at least a year , It is a still good game and it is only 20 dollar in Steam with all the Dlc's included. You might force your troops in an ambust to a forest and lost in the forests for hours and get ambushed by bandits and flip out , however it is a game worth to play and it is on daily discount today , if you are searching a cool strategy game to chill , I reccomend it.

The amount of upvotes surprises me a bit. But I agree BB is a gem among turn-based strategies. I will add one negative, which keeps me from playing. Most of the randomly generated maps are crap. Either one house or two houses hold most of the settlements. This makes me feel like the war of noble houses or any other end-game event can not go balanced. But I never lived to this phase.
BTW, you are mad attacking 13 orcs with only chainmails and worse armor (second to last screen)
I got balls of steels , nah I'm a complete retard , What is your favourite strategy game ? Mine is Civilization 5 by far despite all the bugs in multiplayer war feature
It's very difficult to answer. I forgot to mention I also played Disciples II with all DLC, but never finished with elves. Battle for Wesnoth is one of the games from previous century, to which I return. Total War: Rome II was also good game. But my most favourite are probably these two: Conquest of Champions, Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance
The first one - Conquest of Champions, or as renamed before closing the server, Heroes of Galandria is gone and never to return. It was a card game, where cards became living soldiers on a battlefield. It was only for hardcore strategists and had troubles finding new players and convincing the old ones to pay and is now gone forever (though devs said 3 years ago or more, they will return one day).
Supreme Commander is one of a few games I encountered, which uses AI to choose various strategies. If you opt for random, it might become Adaptive, Rush, Turtling, Land, Navy, Airforce or Balanced kind. All AIs are difficult not only because of simultaneous orders (you can do too when you stop the game), but are also well-programmed. The game itself is a strategy at its root meaning. You can have hundreds of tech-1 interceptors. Two dozens of AA gunships (tech-3) or superiour air fighters (tech-3) or a battleship can take care of them.
The development of technologies is very interesting. You need to build a factory (land, navy or air). Upgrade it and build an engineer to proceed to the next tech. Only this engineer will be capable of building tech-2 buildings except factories, which always start at tech-1. On tech-3, there are also experimental factories, which build an all-powerful units, but it takes them about 10 minutes. Tech-3 units in general build about 2 minutes, while tech-1 can be build as fast as in 6 seconds.
Both of the games met the same destiny. They got dumbed down. The first one is dead not only because of it. The other was followed by Supreme Commander 2 and gave up all its unique mechanics for a boring skill tree. Then, the Gas Powered Games developed Planetary Annihilation, which has new mechanics and is a bit similar, but very difficult to play. As owning multiple planets and having to turn them all around to find your base or that of enemy is just not the right design choice for RTS.
I wait and I hope for an RTS strategy like Total War series or Supreme Commander, but with self-learning artifical intelligence. It is already possible to develop it. There is a bot, which masters DotA 2, the bot, which has ELO of about 1600 in Chess I think (world champions have only about 500 more). Such game would bring life back to RTS genre.
go go go soldier
Great review, this game looks interesting and as something new at first glance, I will definitely give it a chance. Thank s for sharing. I agree big heads looks strange but also cool at the same time, especially with bloodshed. I always enjoed Fallout series bloodshed effects, it adds to game atmpohsfere.