Hello fellow gamers , Steemians I'm back with another extensive guide about Battlerite this time it is going to be about another damage dealer named Ashka a.k.a The Fire Demon. I'm playing him for a long time and he is one of the champions I always enjoy when I play him. Because who doesn't like fire and destruction in video games ?
Askha is a long range burst damage dealer with his strong fire skills and he is mobile he deals tons of damage and he deals it in AoE , these are the things that makes Ashka slighlty different from other damage dealers in Battlerite
Askha the Fire Demon - Extensive Guide

Askha's play style is quite easy , however it requires time if you want to master of this little Fire Demon . Eventhough he is not in the meta gameplay in Battlerite tournaments it is decent pick if you want to have fun and destroy some noobs.
When you are playing Ashka your primary target should using your AoE damage spells at its best in order to create perfect damage burst and use your ultimate to finish up your foes . Ashka is tremendously strong against 2 meele comps because of his skilils with knockback ability and middle range burst.
Ashka Skills and Masteries
When you are playing Ashka skill synergy is everything because it has a low synergy with Champion Battlerite's therefore you need to play with standart synergy of the champion , only slight changes according to match up's

Fireball is a strong , slow auto attack which Ashka use as a main damage whenever it hits the target , it inflicts ignite to the target. This is the attack you are going to use between the cooldowns of your primary burst damage skills.

Well Firestorm is your main burst damage and it is quite functional because each fireball hit will knockback your target little by little so it will provide you to escape and arrange your position according to that. Best part is you can change these projectiles affect with the Battlerite's in order to create maximum flexibility for your champion.

This is Ashka's primary escape skill , it makes your champion untargatable while you are transporting to another location , best part of this skill is it provides some combo oppotunities with your other skills and it is also a decent gap closer and finisher.

This is your AoE Stun if you can able to land it and you should , it creates tremendous pressure for the other team if you ever hit it to multiple targets , it stuns and deal damage at the same time also it can be upgradable with the masteries.

Molten Fist is a quite usefull skill if you want to create some gap for you when you are getting trained by 2 meeles or you felt that you are out of position. It knockbacks to opponent and also you can use it to dodge the skills that have a potential to create threat to you.

Firewall is a defensive skill eventhough it deals some damage and slows your opponent I always use it as an utility skills , because firewall blocks all the attacks going through the fire therefore if you see your opponent casting mega giga strong range skills you just firewall it and their skills will parish inside the fire.

Well I can't say that these ex abilities are super usefull , but in the combat you will find yourself using those from time to time according to the situation. Shift+Space will turn in to you a Fel mode and your each attack will heal you at the same amount and Shift+Q will patrify all the enemies around you and deal some damage. Space Shift+Q combo is pretty strong if the 3 enemies are close to each other.

Well this ultimate is quite good and strong I wasn't expecting less from Fire Demon it justs destroy everything in the patch inflicts ignite , slow and deals 38 damage.

Ashka Battlerites and Synergies
Firestorm second talent will allow you to cast it 1 second sooner and it will inflict AoE damage if it hits multiple target and also ignite , the reason why I play this is simple because all the fireballs you cast will knockback your opponent and it doesn't feels right if its 4 well it is going to be more damage but since you need to play in maximum range and kite after you hit 3 firestorms to your opponent 4th won't lend because your opponent is going to be out of range because of the knockback affect.
Well Ashka is not mobile so you need to soak some damage in order to survive , therefore I pick +15 barrier after you use your flying skill.
This battlerite will make your stun talent +10 damage and it will increase the maximum range and perimeter , choosing those will provide you maximum damage and control , however in some matchups you can pick the other one too for healing yourself.
Last one will allow you to deal more micro damage to people with ignite and you should pick this one 100 percent.

Meta Gameplay and Counters

Ashka is good with any team but you really need to master it if you want to play really efficient and you need a beast healer like every game . Since the main damage push Firestorm is projectile it is quite weak against champion like Raigon , Pearl , Bakko you just need to use your cancel key a lot in a competetive game but overall it is 7/10 champion and it is quite fun to play.
You should play slow and kite in the beggining and measure the other teams strenght and poke burst untill the end and get some energy. However if the other team is a lot more dominant than your team you just need to kite and seek for positions to burst. Lure your opponents to Line of sight of their healer and by landing your stun and projectiles burst them and always use your ultimate skills to multiple targets if you are not going to finish up a foe with ultimate , this way you will create the maximum pressure and all those ignite affects is going to be unbearable
Defensive gameplay is quite important in Ashka because you will notice that when you are trying to push damage you will always get trained by someone and instead of making pressure you will find yourself half Hp therefore always use your firewall and other skills to give some relief to your team.

Who want to play fantastic game,try this one
also good job.
thank you so much.
best of luck!
really helpfull thank you for guide @steeminator3000
wow so wonderful games, great post, thanks for shar
Hımm bu oyunu daha önce hiç duymamıştım. güzel bi şeye benzediği kesin :) güzel anlatmışsınız. teşekkürler
hadi indirde kapışalım artizm
yaparim bak :d aglama sonra
reis downvote yemenin zararı nedir? Adamın birini deşifre ettiğim için downvote verdi bana.
paranı siler falan reputationını düşürür türlü türlü zararları var uzak durmak lazım :D
Benden daha zayıf biri küçük enişte. :) Neyine güvendi ki. (Sanırım geri almış )Bu kötü bir özellik aslında. Sistem kendi kendine de kullanıcılara bunu yapabilir.
good post
wow .. i'm getting left behind from you buddy ... hahaha ... cool man. I'll catch up with you in the gaming wait for me
sayın @steeminator3000 beni @damla , @necrosahin @emrebeyler @fetch @anadolu @farmerturkey @murattatar gibi arkadaşlar tanırlar... ben herzaman tr tagına desteğimi verdim paylaşım olarak fazla katkım olmadı ama yeni başlayan arkadaşlarımızın duygularına tercüman oldum bazen, bazende elimden geldiğince maddi katkıda bulunmaya çalıştım. @galasek isimli arkadaşı tanımam. 1-2 gün öncemesaj attı çift hesap kullanıyorsun öğrenilirse diskalifiye olursun diye. ben de kendisine güzel bil dille anlattım. biri benim diğeri eşimin diye. bunuda hakkımızda kısmında yazdık diye.yarışma kurallarında aynı evden iki kişi katılamaz diye bir kural olmadığı halde her nasılsa o kadar yabancı yarışmacıyı bu durum rahatsız etmemiş ama arkadaş çift hesap diye beni her yere şikayet etmiş. arkadaşın gönderilerine bakarsanız görürsünüz.
he told this to everyone but the others know the truth. @barbadosso and @brittuf
bu üç paylaşımda gereken cevap verilmiş fakat halen uğraşmaya devam ediyor. sizin sözünüzü dinleyebilir benimle ve eşimle uğraşmayı bıraksın haksız şikayetlerini geri silsin ben de kendisine verdiğim downvote leri geri alayım puanı düşmesin. ..