
Hello autowc, welcome to Partiko, an amazing community for crypto lovers! Here, you will find cool people to connect with, and interesting articles to read!

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Hopefully you will have a lot of fun using Partiko! And never hesitate to reach out to me when you have questions!

Creator of Partiko

Apologies in advance for the spam, I assure you, it's for a good cause. I gave you a tiny ass vote, you won't notice it, but, I did.

^flag !popcorn

@animalcontrol is a spam bot run by @fulltimegeek as part of his flag campaign against users who speak out against him.

This is his way of having a little hissy fit because we refuse to believe the Earth is flat.

Free speech?!?! Nah, not unless you believe the Earth is flat or hosts elevator using aliens!! Right, @fulltimegeek?