The BBC and the TV Licence

in #bbc8 years ago (edited)

Some steemit readers living in other parts of the world may be surprised to learn that those of us living in The United Kingdom have to (legally) pay to watch live television as it is being broadcast. Those that decide to watch and not pay the licence are classed 'avoiders' and those who decide to not watch live tv and do not pay are classed as 'legally licence free'. I and my family are of the latter.

I cancelled my licence and received a refund.

Screenshot at 2017-07-28 13-43-13.png

But after just five days from receiving my £36.38 refund for the unused three months,Screenshot at 2017-08-29 23-39-25.png
I receive a letter from TV licensing what has become known as a 'threat-o-gram.'

And so it begins..

ahh the scare mongering, the endless threatening mail, It can go on for years because they, the BBC just do not accept it that some people are honest when they declare they do not watch live tv, in other words they automaticly assume anyone without a licence to be liars. The BBC Goons may be coming to my front door, to check me out, am I bothered? Not really.
(I am thinking it might be an interesting venture posting the tone of the threat-o-gram letters from the BBC as I receive them)
Look at the break down of this 'first one'
Screenshot at 2017-08-29 22-04-10.png

Gentle reminder
This address is not licensed any more
Its against the law
It only takes minutes to get covered
If you don't need a TV licence we will stop writing to you
we may confirm this with a visit
Our investigation starts from.....
your address will be passed on to Leicester Enforcement Division for investigation.

I am aware that winter is fast approaching

and the summer days will soon be but another memory, here is a photo of the sun setting from our front garden, glorious isn't it?


The wood burning fires will be the focus of much time and attention

and the long dark evenings could become a no TV challenge, but I don't think so, I am confident we will can and will survive.

As it is right Now I only regret that did NOT CANCELL MY TV licence subscription years ago, I currently stands at £147.00 anually. Times that by 24 and my 'fee' equals £3528

In one month being Licence free we have enjoyed

Zero News, Zero adverts, Zero repeats, zero flicking through multiple channels Zero broken movies every five minutes to be sold something we will never require or need, zero mainstream propaganda, zero war, zero terrorism and zero zero zero, and a zillion other zero's.

Now I personally feel liberated I even feel cleaner, I feel that I can think more clearly.................... I just feel................... better.

Life feels better

Now we enjoy watching an occasional movie or two in the evenings I really want to catch up on the oldies the Black and white ones, there must easily be a lifetimes worth of oldies from Harold Lloyd Cagney to Humpfrey Bogart from sunset boulevard to some like it hot etc etc
In one month have enjoyed a dozen or more films, the difference now is that the movie has become uncluttered by what would have proceeded and what would have came afterwards by the mainstream, I take the movie now and enjoy it exclusively from all other 'clutter' I then take the story away with me in the back of my mind, It has been a revelation, I really mean it.

Thanks and thanks again BBC for forcing me to it.

ps I will keep ya all updated