Seeing Beyond Here

in #bbho24 days ago

There are things in this world that happens that is always off the record. There was a story of a woman who went to the market to buy things and Wash started saying we’re not normal. I mean seeing people who are working with their head and their legs are up in the air or since on human being that are not really humans. Another thing else seeing things that are not physical. And list goes on.

This woman later came out and told the whole world what she saw, but at that point in time it was too late. She became sick in no longer time and before you can say it to the woman actually died. The mysterious stories went on and on round the town and no one could. Be able to tell how it came to be. It took years after that. Little come to know that there are some people that can actually see into the spiritual, into the extra physical.

This subconscious, they can hear thoughts of people and stuff like that. And these people are not ordinary humans. They have gift in them, they can decide to use it. Right angle. Some were not able to harness this power early in life or no whatever they need to use this powerful and they can easily be removed out of the way by people who have higher power than them.
