The value of Bitcoin Cash
for today is $393.87590718 .
It has a current circulating supply of 16.5 Million coins and a total
volume exchanged of $26,778,155,165.3 . Market Cap $6,496,820,812.0
Reduction in difficulty coming around the 23rd or so. Minors likely anticipating profitability. Some may be thinking it could overtake the main chain lol..
Very nice post and interesting, I am very interested in this post and happy to see it, hopefully you succeed, thanks for sharing in information....
You're welcome :)
Thanks brother @majes w8ing for little more up ;)
You're welcome :)
Is the dumpening over ? We'll see....
yeah bro ups and downs i buy alot lot w8ing for up
Yea, I've been watching it pop up 100 points in a day. What do you think caused that?
Reduction in difficulty coming around the 23rd or so. Minors likely anticipating profitability. Some may be thinking it could overtake the main chain lol..
Virgin BTC mooning for sure :)