Hello everyone,
Today, I would like to introduce about Bytecoin.
Bytecoin (BCN) is a cryptocurrency started on July 4, 2012. Bytecoin is not a fork Bitcoin and uses the unique algorithm CryptoNight. Based on CryptoNote technology | https://cryptonote.org/
Algorithm: CryptoNight
Block time: 120 seconds (2 minutes)
Difficulty retargets each block
Block reward decreases each block according to the formula: BaseReward = (MSupply - A)/218, where MSupply = (264 - 1) atomic units and 'A' is amount of already generated coins
One coin is divisible down to 8 decimal places (divisible up to 108)
Total coins: 18 446 744 073 709 551 616 atomic units (= 184.46 billion BCN)
True anonymity & data protection
Untraceable payments use ring signature
Unlinkable transactions with random data by the sender
Blockchain analysis resistant
Only CPU-mining & ASIC-resistant
POW mechanism is a voting system for users
More details: https://bytecoin.org/info/
Whitepaper: https://bytecoin.org/downloads/whitepaper.pdf or https://cryptonote.org/whitepaper.pdf
Technical documentation: https://bytecoin.org/documentation/
Bytecoin Wiki: https://wiki.bytecoin.org/
Bytecoin roadmap: https://bytecoin.org/roadmap/
GitHub: https://github.com/amjuarez/bytecoin
Does anyone care about this? Please comment bellow for any idea.
That a cool crypto man thanks you! Follow me back!
Done, I follow you :)
Do you feel that bytecoin enables a more even playing field for miners? I was under the impression that bytecoin helped regular users mine from regular computers... is this correct?