Sunday, May 8th, 2022রবিবার ২৫শে বৈশাখ ১৪২৯ বঙ্গাব্দ

I have no idea where I want to go if I have infinite time and no responsibility. I have no idea where I will retire. I never did have an idea what I wanted to be in life. I still don’t. Lots of people have very clear visions on what they want. I don’t…
Recently, a teacher of my daughter, Ms. Botas asked the class to write an essay on what they wanted to be in their lives. Many wrote wonderfully, but my daughter wrote that she is unclear, and she just wanted to study and maybe figure it out with time and in future. I got a call from Ms. Botas, asking me if everything is alright and if she needed some developmental advice. I explained to Ms. Botas (who is a kid herself, to me at least!) that there is nothing to worry about and it is okay to be uncertain about your wants. After our discussion I think she felt better about herself and I felt maybe I have helped her with her own life :)
I have always wanted to visit Tibet as a kid. I left home at the age of ten to visit Tibet, and didn't go very far! Then as I grew older and began to travel I have been closer and closer to Tibet, but not quite there. Something I like to do someday for sure. Until then I listen to the Last Train to Lhasa on repeat mode!
I have always wanted to stay in Namche Bazar in Nepal over winter. I have heard it is quiet during that time of the year. I wanted to drive the length of Baja California in Mexico, the route of Baja 1000. I want to camp at the top of the Tepuis in Venezuela, Auyán-tepuiand Kukenán-tepui, over the rain desert, and see the Angel Falls. I want to walk the streets of Rome every day of the week over and throughout Fall and Winter when the tourists are gone. I can make this list infinitely long so that after a while nobody will read, which is now anyways, but I won’t. I think I can summarize my thoughts below just like Forest…who I think was incredibly wise!
“I don't know if we each have a destiny, or if we're all just floatin' around accidental-like on a breeze, but I, I think maybe it's both. Maybe both is happenin' at the same time.”..... As Forest said while standing in front of Jenny’s grave in Forest Gump

Life has always been an unpredictable journey for us, often things go beyond our expectations. To ease those broken expectations we try to find pleasure in many ways, traveling could be the most preferred one from my point of view. Check this out, here the author showered us with emotions while taking us on the journey to the mountain to ease the rejections she had. And guess what, life often blesses us with the most precious gifts in unexpected ways.
When times are tough, just remember: “Every situation in life is temporary. So, when life is good, make sure you enjoy it and receive it fully. And when life is not so good, remember that it will not last forever and better days are on the way” – Bruce Lee

We are also delighted to announce two honorable mentions of the week.
Authors | Highlights |
@ayoyemi1 | Self-Projection And Knowledge |
- | - |
@davidbright | Journey Through The Forest |

While I am a traveller in my mind, with my soul belonging to many countries across the globe all at once, there is this one place that I go back to time and time and again.
In my head, I've dined in the most lavish restaurants of Paris, walked on the century-old sidewalks of the old city of Florence, bathed in the moonlight that covers the Medeterian beaches, and stayed up all night in some tent under the northern lights of Sweden.
I've lived and experienced them all in my head. I still do so from time to time. But still, my fondest experience, my most treasured dream and destination, that has stuck to me through thick and thin throughout the years, is a place rather, well, ordinary.
My dream destination... It starts with a field.
Stretched out for miles and miles, this field is like an endless ocean, filled with canola flowers as far as the eyes can see.
Under the golden ray of the evening sun, the field looks like an ever-burning light itself, glowing in its own yellow haze, mixing with the horizon and the ever blue sky right above it.
With a beat-up red Toyota that has seen better days, I drive along the road beside this field for hours every now and then, looking at the yellow ocean like a long lost friend.
I have a companion on my side these days, who, while being a big talker, talks real less just for this once, losing themselves to the silence that the scenery provides, staring at the road with their hazy, dreamy eyes.
With a cigarette lit in one hand, I drive until the sun sets soundly on the horizon, drowning us in a darkness that has no beginning or an end.
It's then when I get out of my car, and walk into the yellow turned black ocean.
Without any sight of living within miles, this field provides a certain sort of silence that society could never provide.
It's the sort of silence I've longed for all my life, a silence I've looked for since the day I understood what silence truely was, and I see myself submitting to it slowly, drowning in that yellow ocean under a silver full moon, cleansing my soul for the very first and very last time.
This field I see in my head, is located somewhere in Devonshire.
And that's why, in my head, I'm always driving in Devon, looking for this one canola field, that holds the silence I yearn for.

—by @notacinephile
প্রিয়তমেষু মুজতবা আলীর দেশে-বিদেশের মধ্যিখানে অবগাহন করেছি বড্ড বেশী বেলা পড়ে গেলে। ততক্ষণে চোখ তো ফুটেছেই,মনও ফুটেছে। তাই আর ওর আফগানের প্রান্তরে চষে বেড়িয়ে ভেড়ার খান্দানি আহারের আখ্যান মনে আন্দোলন তুললেও উথালপাথাল করে না। মুজতবার সময়ে ভ্রমণের স্বাদগ্রহণ কতখানি দূর্লভ ছিলো জানিনে, তবে বোধকরি যত বাঁধা তা ছিলো সামর্থের সাথে, কুটনৈতিক নয়। দেশ বিদেশের পরিব্রাজক জীবন কাঙ্ক্ষিত ছিলো, রক্তে দোলা দিতো ছা-পোষা বাঙালির। সময় বদলেছে বটে, বিশ্বায়নে অনেক অধরা বস্তুর স্বরূপ দেখেছি আমরা, কিন্তু বিশ্ব রাজনীতির মারপ্যাঁচে এখন সামর্থ থাকলেও বিশ্বভ্রমণে বের হওয়া চাট্টিখানি কথা নয়। সীমান্তে সীমান্তে কাঁটাতারে আটকে দেবে।
তবু এবেলা-সেবেলা, যাপিত পাঠক এবং সিনেমাপ্রেমী জীবনের কোন কোন পর্যায়ে স্বপ্নালু চোখে কতক গন্তব্য ভারী আরাধ্য হয়ে উঠেছে আমার। কোনটার পেছনে লেখকের চিন্ময় বাক্যশৈলীর প্রেমে পড়াই কারণ, যেমন ওয়ালডেন (Walden) পুকুর। দু পার ছেয়ে যার সারি সারি গাছ। আর মধ্যিখানে টলমলে জল। সে জলের ন্যায় সুপেয় জল নাকি আর বিশ্বব্রহ্মাণ্ডে নেই। মহাপ্রাণ হেনরি ডেভিড থরো ওয়ালডেন পুকুরের জয়গান গেয়েছেন প্রাণ খুলে। ও পড়ে আমার ভারী লোভ লেগেছে কোন এক সুযোগে ওয়ালডেনের পাড়ে বসে জলকেলি করার। জানিনে এ সাধ মিটবে কিনা এই জীবনে, তবে সে প্রয়াসে কমতি হবে না।

সেই কিশোরবেলায় পাঠবইয়ে অন্নদাশংঙ্করের গুণে পড়েছিলাম পারীর (paris) গল্প। এদিকে সিনেমাপাড়ায় ফ্রান্সের জয়জয়কার। পারীজিয়াঁ (parisien) সিনেমায় ওর রাস্তা ঘাট আর স্থাপত্যশিল্পে যে পুরনো মাদকতা দেখেছি, তাতে আর কোন শহর আমায় টানে না। বন্ধুমহলে জমকালো জৌলুষময় শহরের নামডাক শুনি, কড়ির ছড়াছড়ি দেখি, ওসব আমার রোচে না। পারীর পুরনো, স্যাঁতস্যাঁতে, সেকেলে রাস্তায় সারা বিকেল চপ্পল পায়ে হেটে বেড়ানোর খায়েশ আমার বহু বছরের। খোলা কাফেতে গরম কফিতে ফুঁ দিয়ে গা এলিয়ে বসবো। তুর ইফেল (Eiffel tower)'এ উঠে দুচোখ ভরে নেবো। এরপর প্রিয়তিপ্রিয় জাঁক তাতির শুটিং স্পটগুলো খুঁজে খুঁজে দেখে মনে বেদম সুখ নেবো। শঁজ-এলিজের (Champs-Élysées) গেটে জঁঁ-পিয়ের মেলভিলকে আবিস্কার করবো নতুন করে। পারীজিয়াঁঁ নারীর সৌন্দর্যে মুগ্ধ হবো! আধোবল ফরাসীতে কুশল জানতে চাইবো। হে পারী, এলুম তবে!

-- by @r-nyn
If I had enough money, I wouldn’t mind spending it to pay a visit to Somalia or even Afghanistan. Since I do not have that financial solvency, at least at this moment, my options are narrowed down, making me think— what if you don’t need to pay to visit where your heart intends to go?
Yeah, now you are talking!
“If there is a heaven, it is bound to have an island attached to it”— Confucius
You a(we)re a genius, Confucius.
What could be more beautiful than an azure sea with a golden sandy beach where teetering waves crash to produce foamy waters that drive red crabs away to their hideouts.
The Mediterranean. Yep, it’s where I’d like to go and spend the rest of my life.
But it’s not a particular place with a utopian setting dedicated only to me; there are hundreds, thousands of beaches with unrivalled beauty, as I came to know this evening. And that has sealed the deal— with so many places to visit and get amazed by, why on earth should I look for another?
But the main problem is which one to pick, that too said by a wise man. So, let’s not give my head a spin— instead, let’s begin it with:
The land of soaring cliffs with a substantial mythical background. Who knows, while searching for a camping spot, I may find the Hades cave or the vibrant cities stuffed with ancient treasures. But I wouldn’t be disappointed if I don’t get any of them— I know the northern beaches with a shiny morning kiss will make my day.
Hey Macron, whatcha doin’?
That won’t be possible as I will be far away, feasting my eyes either on the glittering bays or partying in one of the coastal cities and saying— quoi de neuf les filles?
And when I am chased by the angry mob, which is obvious, I can always take shelter in any dense forests and survive to tell the tale.
If Greece fails me to entertain with its mythical background, I will head over to Cyprus without a second thought. Probably I won’t meet Hades there, but the old ruins and desolate harbours will be blissful enough to cover that loss.
Also, when I’m bored alone on any fossil-studded cliffs, I can always find solace in the sun-soaked beaches. And in the afternoon, a short hike through the mountains and mesmerising landscape will make it worthwhile.
Nah, I’m too ambitious. It’s called greed, and I shouldn’t be greedy at all.
Then where would I go?
Well, how about sailing for the Moyna Dwip— where Hossain Miah rules.

-- by @riz611

If I had been asked to write about this topic a few years ago, I probably would’ve listed a few countries and places I’d loved to visit. Dive deep into the details and write about exactly why and where I would like to go; back then, it would’ve been quite an easy and “effortless” task actually. But if we have to talk about the present time though, then it will surely take me some effort to explain; things are surely quite different now.
As you grow older and experience more in life, you slowly become more knowledgeable about yourself and your needs and wants in life. As time passes by, you become worthy of answering a few questions, you are then able to clear out a bit of confusion, and you are able to visualise a few vivid images of the present and future.
Although, whenever the topic is related to travelling, my mind just becomes more cluttered and unsure. I really used to think that by now, all of it would just become more distilled, and I would probably add a few more places and countries to the list.
So, if the question and topic are about the places I want to go to, then my answer will simply be everywhere and nowhere.
I really don’t have a list of places that I would like to visit one day, not anymore, at least. For now, I leave that part of life to destiny, God, or whatever it may be. It’s not like I don’t like to travel; I’d love to travel as much as possible, and to be honest, any place will do. Travelling is probably the only part of my life where I don’t want to be picky anymore, and I am quite a picky person, I would say.
I guess it has slowly become that way because I’ve realised that life isn’t all sunshine and rainbows. I’ve learned to tone it down a bit, dream a little less, and be more “realistic”. At the present time, I’m happy with where I am, and I don’t mind missing out on a few trips nowadays. I’m alive, I have around me a handful of people who I love, people who actually care about me and are always there for me. I plan on enjoying the little things for a bit. I plan on working, making it easy when I get some free time, while I prep myself up. And as I'm prepping, I will be eagerly waiting for some travel opportunities to hit me up out of nowhere and catch me by surprise, and that will be an offer I surely won’t refuse.

-- by @surrealfia
Here I am, sitting in one corner of the planet contemplating and haven't yet let my wings stretch out to fly.
I wish I was a bird so no formalities would be needed where I want to be. I could go to all the places I have only seen pictures of or have dreamt myself to be in, and mere formalities like visa and passport and asking permission won't be necessary. I would not be labelled a terrorist or a suspect of any kind - just be any bird that flies, not caged.

A few weeks ago, during the contest submission, I wrote about my favourite book of childhood, which consisted of various places that hold many ancient secrets and treasures. The treasures weren't a thing of fancy to me; it was the places that held my attention. I dreamt about standing in front of the pyramid and finding the secret islands where the infamous pirates would hoard their treasure. I have imagined myself riding the toy train of Darjeeling. When I was a teenager, I dreamt of a life away from here, living by myself in a country estranged from me and uprooting my life to start anew. All this dreaming and imagining when I was a kid or a teenager.
And I'm still dreaming - my imaginations run wild.
For now, I'm dreaming about the places I want to go to. And dreaming is all I am doing, with a little bit of planning on the side. Though I didn't allow myself to wallow in self-pity on delaying my plans over and over again, I will not bring myself to do that. I have too high hopes and the day I let go of those hopes is the day I become paralysed - not gonna happen, folks. Even if it takes me a decade more, I will still take that slither of a chance to fly away.
Hope keeps my soul alive.
I wish I could talk about a specific place, but the world of a dreamer is vast, and there are places that I will not succeed in visiting in my lifetime. Apart from all the historical sites and old ruins, my heart is set on seeing, there are places like Milos or Corfu in Greece, Mount Fuji in Japan, Giethoorn in the Netherlands, and villages in Ireland just for the sake of their beauty and tranquillity.
Is it my heart that holds these places or the places that hold my heart?
For now, I wait and plan and procrastinate - and dream a lot more. There's a hole in my pocket, and the coins that I save, fall, and I lose them. Money doesn't come fast enough and vanishes into the air faster than I can say money, money, money. I don't know where the hole is, and I can't recover the lost coins.
Hope lingers like the flame of a candle in a wind.

-- by @minhajulmredol
I was planning to write something about the places I desire to go to and then remembered that it will make the burden heavier, nothing else, hehe. So it's better to go with the place where I am having fun, enjoying to its fullest, and where I belong.
There was a time when the first and last thing I checked in the morning was some pointless social media app that did nothing except take up more of my valuable time. And then Hive happened. Although side by side that continued, my priorities have changed massively. Now I don't feel any regret about where a big chunk of my time is spent; now, I don't regret the things I do here on this new priority. Hive is one of the best things that happened to me, and it’s also one of the most precious things that I want to keep holding as long as I can.
It has given me an amazing family that is up to date with the progressing world, which always keeps me a few steps ahead of my surroundings and gives me the confidence that I am doing something better. This is worthy of keeping me above the general line. Movie nights, festive celebrations, people's drama, and so on. Well, one of the most amazing things about hive is how people tend to exploit it with many unethical methods, and when their hundred and eighty degrees turn after getting caught, their true colours, those threats, oh my god. Bad experiences are very rare, yet some odd situations are part of it; this is what makes it complete. Finally, this is the life I am enjoying right now with some of the most amazing people.

-- by @toushik
Life is short; we only have one life to live, so we should make the most of our time while still having it, taking advantage of the many stages, such as childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. In each section, we are given a distinct set of challenges. And in my opinion, the greatest time to discover new things is when we are young. Because when we're young, we have the freedom to go out and see the world, meet new people, and discover new things on our own.
Several places in my bucket list still remain to be explored. Eventually, I'll get to them one day, may that not be today or tomorrow. However, I have a strong desire to visit a city in a country. For the time being, I will refrain from mentioning the country's name and instead focus on my thoughts about it. Even if it may seem outside the box, I will do my best to keep it relevant.
My longing for that city has grown over time, not overnight. Learning about the nation began to pique my interest a few years ago. When I first heard the name, I imagined a nation high in the skies, with numerous massive mountains and nothing but lush vegetation. When someone asks me Which country I’d visit if given a chance, undoubtedly, that country flashes through my mind.
Late at night, I ponder whether or not I will ever be able to visit the city of my dreams. I know that dreaming is not a crime, and because I dreamt about it, now it is up to me to make it happen. I intend to revisit this city one day and write about it while sitting on a park bench somewhere.

-- by @kinab

Everywhere you go on our planet, there are opportunities for artists who crave a sense of wonder and wonderment. Making and maintaining focus is not always easy. Even if an artist fails to see it, it's right there in front of them, a gift from nature, hinting them close to aesthetic pleasures.
More than any other nationality, Italians are blessed with the ability to effortlessly understand the concept of creativity. Italy is undoubtedly the birthplace of great artists, and it is home to a number of the world's most famous art galleries and museums. And these art museums are a must-see when going on a trip to the country. I often imagine myself strolling the streets of this country, my attention being taken over by the enchanting sculptures adorning its hilltop locations.
Even in the Renaissance, art, figures, sculptures, and paintings were all contained inside a single geographical area; and that country was Italy. From the floor plans to the finishes on the walls, the architecture of Italian museums exudes a distinct perfume of creative inspiration. There is an incredible amount of artistry on display in the sharp artworks that seem impossible to believe. The historical works of art in Italy are incomparable.
But among all the amazing places Italy has, three of them hold most of my interest.
First is Leonardo da Vinci's "The Last Supper," a wall painting at Milan's Santa Maria Delle Grazie. Known as one of the finest examples of Italian High Renaissance art.
The second would be Michelangelo's “David", a famous sculpture at Florence's Piazza Della Signoria. It’s one of his most stunning works of art carved from shining white marble. Michelangelo was the world's most renowned and highly paid artist in his day. For nearly two years, he accepted the task of sculpting a large-scale David and worked tirelessly on it. You can't doubt the devotion of such an artist.
"Creation of Adam" in the Sistine Chapel, Rome, is the last Michelangelo masterpiece, which is the last one on my list. His work is regarded as one of the finest in Western art, which is no exception even now.
In the face of the passage of time, classics remain treasured. Without the classics, art would not have been able to grow in the first place. The current form of art has developed and changed throughout the course of art history. And as a consequence, my hankering for a trip to Italy has reached new heights.

Whenever I use a social platform, I try to spend my time watching something worthwhile rather than having fun. Like, I’m a big fan of “The Trinomial Podcast” and listened to all of their shows while painting and stuff. But the thing is, I was only getting the inputs. There was always a lack of a circle where I could share or critically discuss those issues. Sometimes, I expressed some of my monologues on Facebook, but that community was always missing. Though I’ve different friend circles, their discussion topics are pretty basic. After joining the hive, I figured out that this was the place that I was searching for. Here, all the members are experts in their own way. I can openly interact and express my thoughts, and no one is here to judge those things. I think this is one of the crucial powers of the hive. The more I explore different communities, the more I learn, and there are so many things to tell!
Another fascinating thing is, that the hive people are so sophisticated compared with other social platforms, which makes the hive environment polished and rich in quality. Also, here, I get a family vibe where everyone cares for one another. All these things are boosting my confidence from every angle. I regret not joining here before!
But the problem I am facing is that I can’t share the hive thing with anyone, especially my parents. They think I’m just tapping my phone all day long and doing nothing. They are tensed about what I will do with my life and continuously push me to apply here and there. But the thing is, hive life is helping me to grow my inner self, allowing me to think rationally, giving me the freedom to express my thoughts and emotions properly, and from any kind of 9 to 5 desk job, I don’t think I can get any of these benefits.
So overall, it’s an excellent start for me. I’m really thankful to @zayedsakib for bringing me in here! Hoping that I can swiftly continue my journey!

-- by @fahmidamou
It has been scarcely one month since I have become a part of the HIVE community. Initially, when I'd appeared at Hive, it felt like transferring into a different academy as a teenager, and a quite distinctive one, to be precise.
Certainly, I was privileged to be a friend of another distinguished pupil in the group. And I had heard from him that here, your age, social status, beauty, none of it mattered.
The ONLY thing that is taken into consideration here is, TALENT.
And from my pals' speculation, I have that plethora, at least to withstand the preliminary blow! So I just believed him.
The entire edifice here sounded preposterous to me the first time I had heard about it! Later after my arrival, I, too, realised that life here is simply like a game. Whenever you commence, you begin from level 1, regardless of your age, gender, academic background, or any other considerable qualification you have accomplished before. And then you gradually level up, evolving through the domain by mastering the competency, strategy, and anything else that is required.
When I entered, I got such a warm welcome from everyone.
- Particularly from the sensei. Regardless of how myriad number things he has to manage, he nonetheless was and is here as the unwavering patronage
- Then, that one little brat is ready to pull my legs, anytime and every time, yet his leniency, inspiration, and motivation for me are unbelievably steadfast when required!
- The guys who have a lot more on their plates, who still bared with my nagging and silly questions and made an effort to respond whenever they could.
- After comes my sweet, fair ladies, whose very existence is the utmost empowerment for me.
Of course, my pre-existing comrades' constant assistance, aid, and diligence are infinite.
I suppose it was the first day of Ramadan (the holy month of Muslims) that I made my introductory entry in the HIVE. I even had an amazing pre-Eid evening after many years with these people here. It felt like being with a bunch of cousins, friends, and playmates like it used to be several years back in my old days!
And I am grateful to every single soul for rendering me to make this place feel like home.
Life in HIVE is indeed incredibly lively, tempting, and remarkably outstanding.
I am earning by doing the most adored thing I love to do. All I am doing is writing and writing! And even the content is not fixed by anyone but me! I write whatever I think of.
Life cannot be any fairer than this!
Thank you very much for your constant efforts and the support you generate for me, for this community, and all around us.

-- by @tahminasyed

The lessons are untold,
the tensions unfold,
the rifting changes camouflage,
the presence of the thriving heart.
The significant glitches
brings forth the slashes,
the hunting self rushes
to ease the gushes.
Singing forth in rhythm,
perks up the dancing images,
the capture of a sound memory,
the nightingale humming.
Oh, do you remember,
how the moment flew by,
when you and I searched for a living,
night after night?
The lessons were told,
glitching in stages,
we stood unhampered
with our cloudy crevasses.
With shaken hands, we stood together,
affirmed, against the tides heaped to flush us.
With the murmurs of wind that saved the night,
the nightingale sang throughout the twilight.
On the lost island of crushed hopes and dreams,
we sat dazzled by the beauty life brings.
Unquestioned and jolted, by the rising spring,
the melting warmth soothing within.
A cascade of memories was created in hope,
in thriving for a future ahead, behold.
Striving and rising, sacrifices upsurging,
thoughts with no breaks got beyond our control.
Inching away from the risks of life,
did it dim the light?
Breathing heavily seemed a blessing,
untold, untaught but boldly honouring.
Thousand sizzling nights passed numbered,
with cravings and hunger, dispatched and tethered.
Yet, the shifting moods, captured breezes,
those that tell our stories, in murmurs and whizzes.
After miles of errors and trials,
we are standing here in leisure, unharmed.
The peace suits us no more,
the urging heart craves for more,
to make a visit to stake another journey,
one that makes a story, a living harmony.

Do not forget to join our next weekly hangout on at Friday 10 pm GMT +6

বাপ্রে বাপ! কী বিশাল তুর্ণি!
no kidding!
likhe na likhe na bolte bolte hoye gelo lomba turni
The contents shared are really amazing and I love every part of it
The writers did a great job. I keep learning from every bit of the posts selected. Good work.
Taali hobee 👏♥️
ki niye eto tali
For putting up together The longest Turni :v
amar iccha hoise tai dilam iktu 🤓
"Most of the important things in the world have been accomplished by people who have kept on trying when there seemed to be no hope at all." - Dale Carnegie
Great work BDC Turni team. If we all stick together, we can do it!