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RE: BDCommunity Presents: [A Picture Speaks a Thousand Words] [Contest]

in #bdccontest4 years ago

Your thoughtful and exceptional contests make us want to write. Every time new and written contests are enlivening the BDCommunity. Through this contest, you gave the contestants a chance to get out of the house. Source cannot be used, so we have to go out and take pictures. The interesting thing, It will be possible to know the story behind various pictures. Those who capture vivid and lively pictures, this contest will be very enjoyable for them. The best wishes 🌹


so we have to go out and take pictures.

We are not encouraging you to go out and take pictures as sources can't be used. You may also do some kind of home photography or use old pic's too or go out and click photos. As covid situation going on its up to you.

The highlight part is,

The photo you use must be your own.

Thank you for the response and good to see you. Wish you best of luck for the contest.