If he had migrated from his birthplace in present-day modern-day Turkey to Rome around 65 AD, as six people think, his childhood would have been very tumultuous. They may have seen two major fires in the city that burned two-thirds of the city and lived a politically tumultuous life for a year in which they saw the reigns of four different emperors. , Of whom two were killed and one committed suicide.
And yet Epictetus had everything he needed. "It's not the events that bother people, it's the decisions of the people (which bother them)," he said.
This idea is one of the pillars of the philosophical school known as 'Stoicism', which was founded by the philosopher Zeno in Athens during the uprising, crisis and violence of the fourth century BC. It was one of the many teachings of the seminaries from which we can still learn a lot - which is why we are hearing so much about it today in psychology, self-help literature and even religion.
Whether it's war or epidemics, our health or our financial problems, it doesn't matter how difficult our lives are, according to Stoics, we can still make progress.
Carrie Anderson, who guides people to a better life, writes that they should know that Stoicism is an ideology, or a school of thought that was formed to deal with difficult times. ۔ '
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Identify what you can control (and what you can't)
As the Epitaphs put it, for the Orthodox, it is not the situation itself that causes the commotion. The real issue is how you think about these situations. And some things cause more pain than fighting out of our control, or engaging in a outcome that is beyond our control.
The first hurdle - it's so important that the Epicites call it "our most important task in life" - is to identify what is beyond your control, an aspect that conservative stocks call 'external factors'. Fortunately, conservatives have made it much easier. It's all about your own thoughts, choices and actions.
Take health for example. You can choose to eat and exercise five times a day (your choice), but that doesn't mean you will never have health problems (an external factor). And if you think that is the case, then you are not only deceiving yourself, but you are pushing yourself towards real despair.