BDCommunity Community and get a chance to be featured on our showcase. We only support original content here. We will exact vengeance with extreme prejudice on plagiarists and spammers. So we want to see you unleash that creativity of yours. When you create you get better at what you do. When you plagiarise it is a wasted effort, and we don't like wastefulness or laziness here. We encourage everyone to visit these blogs and show these great Hivers your support and encouragement. If you enjoyed their work, give them a Follow or maybe even say Hello! and shower some love on their content.Welcome to BDVoter Daily Showcase, BDVoter was started about concerning BD users who did not get support even after writing well. Besides BDVoter give support to foreign users too. BDVoter is a curation project on Hive Blockchain. BDVoter's mission is to promote uninspired but extraordinary content. Every day we are doing manual curation also besides that we are also supporting some contests. Use #bdcommunity tag & Use our

My Hive Goals - Weekly progress report
I have set some concrete goals for the first quarter of the year and slowly progressing on the goals. It keeps me motivated to set some goals and stick to the goals. This week crypto prices are showing a good sign of recovery. The market is becoming green and especially the price of BTC and ETH has become a lot better. There are still many altcoins struggling to get back to their previous price but we have to be a little more patient for that to happen.

Modernity & Equality...
Begum Rokeya had to study in secret at one time. Rani-Rasamoni was kept in one room by the Brahmin community for her new thinking. Rammohun Roy abolished the practice of satidah and the spread of women education took place through the hands of Ishwar Chandra. This is exactly the picture before the independence of the country. In other words, in that society women wanted to be modern through thinking and education.

An Angel in Disguise
Death has touched the spring of human humanity. She received neglect, ridicule, and condemnation from every person in her village. Since now, the news of her death has spread everywhere. People's negligence anger has now turned into compassion. Condemnation has turned into sorrow. All the neighbors in the neighborhood rushed to their small huts. She protected her tiny house with her children to survive the cold.

Walked alone!
I've been pretty quite since I was a kid. I never liked too much hue and cry. Even I avoided festivals. I grew up very simply. I have never been able to adapt to the glamor. That's why I didn't have too many friends. Nowadays people do not like to live a simple life at all. Everyone has an attraction towards glamorous life. Maybe that's why I'm feel so hesitate in adopting to the people around me.

হাসপাতালের প্রতিটি ইটে যেন শৈশবের স্মৃতি জড়িয়ে আছে!
সকালের ট্রেইন, গন্তব্য ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়া। আগের দিন দুপুরে টুং করে একটা মেসেজ এসেছিল। আমার নাকি করোনার দ্বিতীয় ডোজ নেয়ার সময় হয়ে গিয়েছে। অতি শীঘ্রই যেন উপজেলা স্বাস্থ্য কমপ্লেক্স এ গিয়ে দ্বিতীয় ডোজ গ্রহন করি। করোনার বর্তমান যে সিচুয়েশন।, তাতে সময় নষ্ট করার কোনো মানেই দেখি না। তাই আজ সকালেই ঘুম থেকে উঠে ব্রাহ্মণবাড়িয়ার উদ্দেশ্যে যাত্রা শুরু করলাম।

কুমিল্লা !! আমার শহর।
কুমিল্লা !!বাংলাদেশের দক্ষিণ-পূর্বাঞ্চলে অবস্থিত চট্টগ্রাম বিভাগের একটি জেলা। এ জেলা খাদি কাপড় এবং রসমালাই এর জন্য বিখ্যাত। উপজেলার সংখ্যা অনুসারে কুমিল্লা বাংলাদেশের একটি এ শ্রেণীভূক্ত জেলা। এ জেলার মোট আয়তন ৩০৮৭.৩৩ বর্গ কিলোমিটার। রাজধানী ঢাকা থেকে জেলার দূরত্ব প্রায় একশ পাঁচ কিলোমিটার এবং চট্টগ্রাম বিভাগের সদর থেকে প্রায় ১৫০ কিলোমিটার।
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