BDCommunity Community and get a chance to be featured on our showcase. We only support original content here. We will exact vengeance with extreme prejudice on plagiarists and spammers. So we want to see you unleash that creativity of yours. When you create you get better at what you do. When you plagiarise it is a wasted effort, and we don't like wastefulness or laziness here. We encourage everyone to visit these blogs and show these great Hivers your support and encouragement. If you enjoyed their work, give them a Follow or maybe even say Hello! and shower some love on their content.Welcome to BDVoter Daily Showcase, BDVoter was started about concerning BD users who did not get support even after writing well. Besides BDVoter give support to foreign users too. BDVoter is a curation project on Hive Blockchain. BDVoter's mission is to promote uninspired but extraordinary content. Every day we are doing manual curation also besides that we are also supporting some contests. Use #bdcommunity tag & Use our

Living Alone
Sometimes, a strange kind of hobby enters me. What is that? That is the question now. Sometimes I feel like I have to leave everything behind, go somewhere far away, and start living alone—all alone, where I will be king of my kingdom. Where there will be no people to interfere in my life, I will be the judge to judge what is right and what is wrong. I will be in a place where no one will come to interfere with my loneliness. I will be able to keep my personal decisions firm so that there will be no breaking.

I believe in reincarnation because I've
seen my reflection in the puddles on
a muggy spring day with an oily
rainbow shrouding the edge and
a leaf in the centre and worms
congregating and I know
that I am
part of these.
I fall in love with every CAT I see...🐈🐈⬛😻
At present many people keep cats as a hobby. A kitten is enough to eliminate loneliness, if it is your pet kitten. Cats, grandmothers and grandparents have introduced her as the aunt of the tiger in her poems innumerable times since her childhood. Or the cat's meow nickname would have become their nickname. They are usually found near village houses or near large settlements or markets in the city.

Comeback Kings | Rebirth Island | Call of Duty Warzone
I bring to you guys a match consisting of a comeback, some high IQ moves and some crucial rotations. Taking an almost dead and beaten match towards a legendary clutch of a win. Sometimes the mind just has tricks up its sleeves, tricks that you can't even imagine. Especially not in a pinned downed situation like this end-game of ours.

Living with Social Anxiety Disorder.
I believe the freewriters community provides a platform where I may express my feelings through written words. Because I've failed badly in my attempts to persuade my family and friends of this fact. Allow me to express my grief to you all. Please correct me if I'm mistaken on how to post in this community.

From The School Life Diary.
Recently, I have been hanging out with a few friends from my school days. We had been detached for a long time and got together for the last couple of weeks somehow. So it's always best to recall those memories and keep laughing on and on. They always start like," Hey hey hey, wait, do you guys remember this, remember that? We did that together, bla bla bla." And then everyone would start recalling and have fun or feel those memories. So last night we did the same, so many memories that we talked about felt.
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