BDCommunity Community and get a chance to be featured on our showcase. We only support original content here. We will exact vengeance with extreme prejudice on plagiarists and spammers. So we want to see you unleash that creativity of yours. When you create you get better at what you do. When you plagiarise it is a wasted effort, and we don't like wastefulness or laziness here. We encourage everyone to visit these blogs and show these great Hivers your support and encouragement. If you enjoyed their work, give them a Follow or maybe even say Hello! and shower some love on their content.Welcome to BDVoter Daily Showcase, BDVoter was started about concerning BD users who did not get support even after writing well. Besides BDVoter give support to foreign users too. BDVoter is a curation project on Hive Blockchain. BDVoter's mission is to promote uninspired but extraordinary content. Every day we are doing manual curation also besides that we are also supporting some contests. Use #bdcommunity tag & Use our

Jungle Justice
Right from time, my view on jungle justice has always remained the same. I’ve always been against the idea of we taking the law into our own hands and ending people’s lives right on the spot without allowing the law to take its course but at the moment, I feel things like this can be seen from different perspective. You might think that the people are being cruel by taking the law into their hands but you wouldn’t feel the same if the person being punished has done something bad personally to you in the past.

A beautiful morning
It has been raining since early morning. The sound of rain on tin rice has created a strange intoxication. I am lying on the bed relaxed, with strange laziness all over my body covered in a Blanket. Feeling like a slight fever. It is half-past six in the morning. I pointed my thumb at the rustling warning of the alarm clock which was torn by the sound of rain and said, I will sleep.

Technical Textile & Bangladesh !! PART- 1
Textile is the second largest sector in the world. Among those textiles, technical textile is currently the fastest growing sector. Technical textiles make up more than 21 percent of the entire textile sector. Nowadays textiles are no longer limited to readymade garments. Like other branches of science, textile is advancing in the same way.

Precious new growth
You'll keep trying to exorcise this rage until you realize there's not enough room in here for the both of you until you realise you would be thinking of her for the times she kept you safe, she's only here because she loves you until you realize you can filter her into a point so small she can burn straight through anything
Tell me how many times you've been told, "no one likes an angry woman" in a box on a low shelf, dusted like the flash of time you are the highest version of yourself highly anxious, highly sensitive, high off the fumes coming from your own sadness
If you aren't reading the room, you're reading a poem to the room, here is the first line: "I don't know how to write about what I'm feeling anymore"

Hesitant Life
Our life is mixed with a lot of things like before taking any decision bravely we hesitate and start thinking about the result, will it go according to our plans or will it not? Or won't I continue having some of my lacking, a vast amount of weakness comes in front of me. Have you felt it ever?

Afternoon Scenery | Illustration
Nature can refer to the overall domain of living plants and animals, as well as, in some situations, inanimate item processes—the way that specific sorts of things exist and change on their own, such as the weather and geology of the Earth. The term nature refers to both physical occurrences and life in general. It has a wide spectrum of scales, from subatomic to cosmic. Living plants and animals, geological processes, weather, and physics, such as matter and energy, are all examples of Nature. Nature helps you connect with this tremendous, loving presence, whether you call it Earth Mother, the Great Mystery, or something else. You may sense this presence's love and support. You may be given advice and wisdom. Nature draws us closer to our spirit as well as to Spirit.
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