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RE: @Dan - Bring Back the Beard! [+ general ramblings about beards]

in #beards8 years ago

Its not that you suck at photoshop, its that photoshop sucks.

I like Gimp much better for editing photos
And Krita is miles ahead of photoshop when it comes to actually making drawings.
And both are free.

Unlike photoshop, which Adobe charges through the nose for, both coming and going. And that crap Adobe did with flash and shitting on the open-source community really sucked.

So, yeah, get yourself Krita and Gimp.


Photoshop doesn't suck. What sucks is whichever platform one does not learn.

I started with the adobe suite. I know it well enough to be very sure in my assessment, that it sucks.

Well, it really sucks at drawing. And especially sucks compared to Krita at drawing.
It is quite good at touching up photos.

Very nice. I started with 3.0. Not CS3, I mean 3.0. We're talking 1995, and I've been using it ever since. Currently using their Creative Cloud service. In fact, I've based a business on it. I'm sure you think it sucks - everyone is entitled to their opinion and I'm certain everyone has one. Just also be assured in your assessment that while it sucks for you, others are paying their mortgage with it.

Yep, Krita did not exist back in 1995, nor really in 2005.
Photoshop was always a pain in the butt for me to draw with.
It is probably the biggest reason I have done so very little digital art.

But, I agree with you that it is a definite work horse.
I know many people who make their living with it.
And people who are so connected with it, that they will probably never be able to use anything else in their life.

Its like autocad vs many other cads.
When you find people working at drafting, they are almost all on autocad.
If someone is playing, they are all over the place, even that thing on Boogle.

To be honest i used gimp it just gets awkward saying you suck at gimp lol. Could really do with a rebrand so it works better as a verb - ill check out Krita though.

I am gimp at gimp.... yeah, just doesn't have the same ring as IsuckAtPhotoshop.

This guy is awesome, and he is makes tutorials for Krita, and helps with debugging, refinement and brushes. (I think that is what I like most about Krita, is that they are a drawing program written by and for artists.)

and one of his best videos: Just jaw dropping drawing. Sooo pretty.

Skills! Thanks for the link will check out his tutorials