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RE: @Dan - Bring Back the Beard! [+ general ramblings about beards]

in #beards8 years ago

Beards are great. My friend looked like he was going to go for the zzTop's beard but then he chopped it down. WOAH! Don't do that man. Now, I am taking photos of him all the time just in case he does something foolish, again. Of course, I have to do artzy fartzy pics of him, but, he's OK with that. I slip him the blue pills at night while he's asleep (or should that be the red pills?) but, no worries we have fun.


Aha arent the little blue ones viagra ? Thats gold, cool pic too :P

UhOh the blue ones could be viagra. From now on it's the red pills. I love playing with my phone apps and changing my photos to monsters and such. > At least he darker, creative side of my brain pan has fun with my captures.