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RE: Beat Battle League Week # 16 / Final Encounter / Original Music

in #beatbattle7 years ago

Man, your artwork is always a trip. I love it!

This is something else! It's difficult for me to point out what I don't like about this one. It's just too damn nice! I'd like to hear some heavy vocals on this. Didn't know you could slaughter the electric guitar! COT DAMN!

I'm really feeling this!


Yeah that Artwork is one of my favorites...I did it 3 years ago. I printed it on canvas and it's hangin' in my Studio now. (: Looks even better printed.

Right..heavy vocals would be great on this track, I would prefer Göran Edman or Joe Lynn Turner but that's only wishful thinking. (; Slaughtering the guitar is a good term for this track, right...but my best comes out when I'm playing the blues and using the Jet Slide for playing slide solos, that's actually my first love. (:

Glad you stopped by and took a listen and glad you are feeling it. ☺ Cheers @scuzzy