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RE: Beaumontia grandiflora - Herald's Trumpet

in #beaumontia7 years ago

Some temperate people say it’s our climate that makes me so. I’m over-reactive in the presence of obvious glamour – hot and bothered and over-boiled. They’re referring to both my temperament and my vulgar taste in plants. There could be something in that. We generally raise a good sweat in garden labour in the heat of tropics and sub tropics , so want something “big” back for our efforts. A grand “thank you” from nature, writ large.

The sweet little spring bunches of dainty pansies, petunias, geraniums, pelargoniums, daisies and similar pretty contenders on our garden club bench competition this month paled into insignificance when I spied the magnificent Beaumontia grandiflora branch in their midst; big, brash, white blooms, its heady seductive perfume permeating the hall. I was smitten – as I generally am with a statement item.


Your 1st pic is Brugmansia (Angels Trumpet) - not the same plant. The 3rd one is Allamanda. Can be confusing with common names though !