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RE: Beaumontia grandiflora - Herald's Trumpet

in #beaumontia7 years ago (edited)


Herald's Trumpet

Pictures cannot even begin to describe the sight of a mature Beaumontia in full bloom. A big plant can be covered with many large flowers.


Beaumontia does need mature to bloom,
it may take a couple of years before you see the flowers. To produce the best display, this heavy climber with large leaves will need a strong structure.


Without support the plant will form
a large mound. It can be grown in pots but will not get very big or produce many flowers like the ones grown in the ground.

Beaumontia is a tropical vine. It can tolerate a light frost for short periods but it is better to protect it if the temperature goes bellow freezing.


Rampant vine with arching, twining branches; climbs as high as 30 feet and spreads just as wide. Large (6- to 9 inches.), oval to roundish dark green leaves, smooth and shiny above, slightly downy beneath, give lush tropical look.


