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RE: Beaumontia grandiflora - Herald's Trumpet

in #beaumontia7 years ago

Beaumontia grandiflora is a substantial evergreen climber. Stem is woody with corroded smooth shoots, smooth juice streams from cut stems. Oppositely organized leaves are inverse, membranous-weathered, obovate to applaud elongated, unexpectedly sharpen generally smooth and bare, once in a while sparesely furry beneath, 15-30 x 7-18 cm.
Leaf stalks are 1.25-2.5 cm long, shaggy. Sepals are upset lanceshaped, smooth, 3.5 cm long, frequently glandular inside, dull red or ruddy dark colored in shading. Blossoms are 7.5-12.5 cm long, chime molded, white or creamish, smooth or smooth, petals 5, 2.5 cm since quite a while ago, adjusted with a short point. Stamens are 5, remaining inside the bloom, substituting with the petals; anthers arrowshaped, connivent to the disgrace framing five sided cone, circle 5-lobed. Style is threadlike, shame fusiform. Follicles are elongated, thick, woody, turgid green. Seeds numerous ovoid or elongated, packed, contracted at the best. Blooming: March-April.


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