Aren't most people on the downlow about being bisexual ?
- ... Even just a little bit, I mean like on a subconscious level...because of the world culture being built before our very eyes to take over our inner child and spirit like no other... How sad is that from a long time ago!...Do we even understand truly what this individual is talking up about? Or is Our subconscious suppression getting in the way of our latent nature, that goes against our origins of really being our authentic selves, like a true homosapien was born to be free in his or her birthright.(
)African Americans and everyone as a whole even in 2018 and to beyond.
Ok now, while we're on the case of the black men on the so called down low... Should we not be on our own case for being on the downlow. In other words, people in general, our culture. What I mean by that is this...Who is really honest about their sexual fantasies, thoughts and their sexuality? If we take social scientists from the past, Kinsey, Masters and johnson and others... Seriously everyone, most people fall in the middle between completely heterosexual and completely homosexual, Therefore most of us technically speaking are bisexual. Who do you know that acknowledges that?...And if most people don't acknowledge their bisexuality. Lets say it's true, just agree that its true just for the sake of argument...and most people don't acknowledge that, that would kind of put most of us in the position in being on the downlow, seems like to me. So...,SO I don't know.....This self righteousness of sticking the finger at this group of black men and certain other people, when it's something most of us do, think about or even act on by instinct on the quiet,...Seems disingenuous. It's not really acknowledging the truth. There's a piece of the truth perhaps, in this black man on the downlow thing, vastly along with countless others worldwide of course. And While, we're at it, It's disappointing for reasons that we don't want to acknowledge either...,Like I've heard from some women about the waste of a man that, that is. What a waste of a man...Thats mean!...But some people feel like that... Those are my thoughts. They're not complete and I apologise for that....want to share, give some dialogue.....,Hate/Love...Lets try to love.. I understand if you might not be able to prevent yourself from hate or more likely just a belief or understanding that most people are born straight or whatever. Thats ok! That's ok!............................................. Peace Out
ok...Just a moment
Thats all i could transfer to sorry