In the world, it has many beautiful birds. Peacock is the very beautiful bird in the world. Peacock is the national bird of India. This birds can live in many parts of the world in captivity. There are many different kinds of peacocks, such as Indian Blue, Black-shouldered, Congo, Green and white peacocks. The India Blue peacock is originally from Indian and nearby areas. India Blue and white peacocks are the same in size and behavior.
Females are called Peahens and Males are called Peacocks. These birds love to be with one another and close each other. This bird has a great need for companionship and they tend to be sad when alone. India and Sir-Lanka belief that when the peacock displays it is the impressive range, it is a sing that a rain is coming.
One of fact Peacock, Peacocks remove poisonous snakes. This birds are excellent bio- controllers of many species of insects, worms, and other animals but especially highly venomous snakes such as cobras so that in Sanskrit, the name of animals means "Murderer snack."
Image Source: Google
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