Green peacock is an authentic Indonesian peacock. Green peacock has the dominant green fur coat with a beautiful pattern on its fur.
Green peacock is a beautiful bird, especially in male peacocks that have tail feathers that can expand. Green peacock habitat is in a vast meadow, but this bird population in nature has now begun to scarce.
Catching this bird makes its existence in the wild continues to decline. Now green peacocks are found more in captivity than in their natural habitat.
The existence of this bird in nature is expected to continue to grow so that this bird does not experience extinction.
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Burung merak hijau harus selalu di jaga kelestariannya. Burung ini sudah begitu langka di alam, namun banyak di perjual belikan di pasar gelap. Burung ini di tangkar tanpa izin dari bksda, jadi mereka merupakan peternak ilegal.
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