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RE: Beautiful Sunday — a walk through a winter wonderland

in #beautifulsunday7 years ago (edited)

Oh, good, thanks!!! I'll get to them after I finish the book I'm reading now. I actually put it aside to read yours!! Don't you feel special? I'm reading the Legend of the Celtic Stone by Michael Phillips....long long LONG story ( and I think there are 4 more books - we'll see about that once I'm done this one).

Thanks again for giving me the opportunity to read A Different Road Traveled on my kindle. I look forward to seeing what happens to Rachel and her friends.


Oh I do feel special! I may have read the Celtic Stone...I've found his books to be enjoyable, but long and a tad bit slow.
I've set aside another mainstream book to read your hubby's and honestly may not pick it back up.

I is slow. And I read a few chapters the other night and honestly can't remember much from what I read. I hate it when that happens.

I downloaded the other three of your series so I think I'll start on those.
I think I'm going to take a time off from Steemit for a few days....I find it takes a lot of time...or I spend too much time which is more of the truth.
Have a very Merry Christmas Rebecca.

Oh wow, thank you! I hear you about Steemit taking time. I took a few months off, but that's not a good idea because I lost a lot of my momentum and don't get may people viewing my posts. Merry Christmas to you, too!