Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible.
Tenzin Gyatso, 14th Dalai Lama
A good character is the best tombstone.
Those who loved you and were helped by you
will remember you when forget-me-nots have withered.
Carve your name on hearts, not on marble.
Charles H. Spurgeon
give a stranger one of your smiles.
It might be the only sunshine he sees all day.
H. Jackson Brown, Jr.I always prefer to believe the best of everybody,
it saves so much trouble.
Rudyard KiplingThoughtlessness is time wasted.
James Lendall Basford (1845–1915), Sparks from the Philosopher's Stone, 1882Be a rainbow in someone else’s cloud.
Maya Angelouphotos by
Nikon D3100
Nikkor Lens 55mm f/1.8
Adobe Lightroom

©All rights reserved, 2018

Nice photo work! The third and fourth ones are really nice, with that sharp focus and soft background. It certainly looks like your flowers are doing well :-)
Yes the flowers are doing very well - they like the humidity and rain. Glad you like them Mark :)
Lilacs and peonies. Reminds me of June in Ontario...
Yes!! Best flowers ever!!
So precious @countrygirl. I love the soft pink, very nurturing and gentle. The quotes you have chosen inspire me! Thank you, I pray you have a peaceful and sunny weekend!
Thank you @birdsinparadise. Pink is so soft, you're right and gentle. Pastels aren't given center stage anymore. Thank you! Hope your weekend was beautiful too!
Hello! Very beautiful color, it seems, he is called a dusty rose.
You have a very interesting perception of color, a lot of nuances. In the previous posts emerald grass is also impressive ...
Thanks @marymik23. I appreciate the feedback !
It is beautiful colours in those flowers/pictures, I also like the composition very good. Great words of wisdom too and good to have a remainer :-) (clumsy english)
Your english is perfectly understandable. :) Thank you for your lovely comments, I appreciate them very much.
What a fabulous way to start the week @countrygirl How can anyone have Mondayitis after being treated to your gorgeous photos and positive messages full of great advice? Thank you for sharing them with us.
Mondayitis!!!! lol....that says it all there.!! I've never heard that one before.
Haha......I used to suffer from it often in my working days @countrygirl Retirement cured me for good. 😁
Love those tones and soft focus.
such beautiful, fragile blossoms...
Yes...poetry in a photo.
Really beautiful photos @countrygirl. Love the color pallet :)
Hey you have another new avatar.....glad you loved the color pallet - I kind of like it too, it's soft and dreamy.
Cannot decide if it's pink or bit purple's a little of both. Softened. Blurred. Thank @ace108 for this helps keep me organized.
You're welcome. Thanks for joining in the fun
what nice shades
an obsolete, nostalgic image. a successful shot.
I loved the mood!
congratulations dear friend!
Nostalgic...yes....that's the word I was looking for!! Thanks Ceren!
Whatever filter you used for this set of photos I’d like a lot. I mean A LOT!! 😍
Aw.....I love it when people really like my photos....thank you so much.
Beautiful thanks for sharing!
Hope all is well. You have been far too quiet and I miss you! Did you find a shadow photo for tomorrow?
I do have a shadow photo on a cement walkway but I noticed that erikah wants cobbled stones walkways. I'll try another time. Thanks for the reminder though :)
Thanks for thinking about me Mel!
Actually I was thinking of you hosting tomorrow with shoulder shadows? Maybe another time!
Oh.....I DM'd you in steemchat last week......I guess you didn't get it. Sorry Mel. I hope that doesn't upset your contest.
I never see those messages unless I am told to go look ( I don't use Steemit) No problem, though. Let me know when you have time, and we will do it then.
It was my pleasure to read the words and look at your photos. Pure relax my dear. Greetings :)