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RE: Beautiful Sunday goes Beachside

in #beautifulsunday6 years ago

You are so sweet and I want you to know that when you said Monday red I ran and looked because of course it was for Sunday purple! So thank you, because even though you were like the 15th person that commented oh, you were the only one who mentioned it. I posted it Sunday night late but it's not red and it wasn't Monday. Anyway it is not a daisy but it is in the daisy family.

I hope you have a most wonderful weekend and that you were looking forward to the week ahead.



I thought it was more on the purple side of red but then I thought it was my computer's screen coloring. My rules state there is no wrong day for a beautiful flower to be shown.

Oh!!! I love your rules!!! They are the best! :)

Thank you, always. xo