I went to a marsh I've never been to this Sunday early in the morning. Then I found a bunch of baby ducks!!!
The mother duck was being nice swimming them by me for plenty of shots.
I wonder how old these guys are. They were probably born this week sometime.
The mom did a few rounds near the edge of the marsh and I was able to get some closeup shots of the little critters.
Now she is off to swim within the marsh weeds.
Off they go following their mother.
This male mallard was hanging around nearby I suspect he might be the father. I'm not sure if the males stick around after the babies are born or not like the geese do...
On the edge of the marsh plenty of large bullfrog tadpoles are feeding off algae. I met a photographer that said he saw a green heron eating these guys earlier in the morning.
The turtles are out sunning themselves early in the morning on any surface they can climb on to. There must be hundreds of these painted turtles and red eared sliders in the marsh.Here are some cute baby ducks for #beautifulsunday and #featheredfriends
Happy #beautifulsunday more soon...
Nice featheredfriends photography.
Thanks :-)
Lovely day at the marsh! Love the ducklings. :))
The mallards sure are tame there. I wish the wood ducks would have come closer but they were barely peaking out from the reeds.
We used to have wood ducks in the woods to our north. But the land sold and was cleared, and that was that. :((
They'll nest in any tree, they like dead ones in swamps the best though since they can stash the nest in the hollow of the tree. I hear them up in the trees squeeking in all the swampy areas around here.
That's why they liked the woods. There was a swamp nearby and lots of tree hollows.
they are so cute :)
I wish I would have taken video of their cheeping noises.
Yes, I guess the ducklings should be at most a week old.
That would be about right. They probably hatched around the same time the Candian goose family I saw last week hatched. If only I could get shots of the wood duck babies.
We know spring is here when the little cute new born ducklings are out swimming around that is a pretty sight 😊
I've been keeping tabs on these guys and a goose family over time. They are growing up pretty fast.
Yep they don't stay small for long nice to see them growing up.
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