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RE: "You Didn't Earn That"

in #beauty9 years ago

I hadn't thought about it this way. You bring up a very interesting point that some people are just genetically blessed with looks, intelligence, etc. I have no problem with people using sex appeal (almost all successful fashion and many other advertisements use this).

However I also think that at the end of my life, how do I want to be remembered. Like what will the speeches be at my funeral. If I were beautiful or a model (neither haha) I would surely leverage that as I would be foolish not to use any attribute from athletic skills to strength etc to benefit myself. But it comes down to what you do with the gains you receive. I have a lot of respect for the Miss America winners who go on to give girls confidence through speeches and travel the world spreading more than simple beauty. I look at some people on Instagram who are celebrities and who post only selfies and products they endorse. That's great for their bank account but in all honesty I feel that is a waste if you are not going out and using your gifts for others.

If at my funeral someone were to say "yeah he was really good looking and was great at modeling" (again I'd be shocked) I'd feel as if I wasted my life. Don't get me wrong. I understand many people use beauty as their job, but they can be more than a pretty face by bettering society.

People with intelligence often invent new things and contribute in a way that changes the world long after they pass. Forgive me if I offend any Baywatch fans, but if you were to compare Pamela Anderson's funeral speech (when that occurs) with someone like Steve Jobs, I can say that while a great entertainer, Pamela has no real impact on my life through her beauty, but Steve Jobs has absolutely changed my everyday life. That's an extreme example and may not be fair to compare, but I feel intelligence may be more valued because of the lasting impact and the saying "beauty is fleeting" rings true. What you do and accomplish once you are old and wrinkly and may not be considered beautiful anymore is something I think more people should take the time to think about, especially those in fashion, modeling etc.

Just my 2 cents, and would be interested to see if others agree or not with my views on the subject.