How To Make Hair Care In The Happiness Summer

in #beauty7 years ago

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Beautiful and healthy hair is every woman's desire. Although the nerves of the head grow due to pollution and stress, due to this the hair does not get sufficient nutrition. In such a situation, there is a need for a little care, so that they get adequate nutrition. You do not even need to go out and spend money to make hair healthy and shiny. You can take care of your hair well at home.

Cancel tightly and remove its milk. Then add two-three drop of lemon juice and a little lavender oil to it. Head of this mixture

Apply on skin and hair. Clear it after about two hours.

Mix two Tulsi Besan and Half Tea Cup Vinegar in two Tulsi Multani Soil. Leave this paste in the hair and leave for a while. If your hair is rude then

Put a little oil in the hair before applying this paste.

Boil the henna's leaves in mustard oil. Massage hair from this oil periodically. By doing this the blood circulation in the hair is correct.Read more:

Mix Mehndi powder in the juice of Chukander leaves and add it on the skin of the head. Doing this will stop hair breakdown.

Mix a ripe banana and mix two tablespoon milk and one tbsps olive oil well in it. Put this paste on light wet hair. Clean the hair after about half an hour. Take this paste a couple of weeks

Grind two tablespoon chikakai powder, two tablespoon fenugreek seeds and two tablespoons of grated gram together and make paste. Applying this paste in the hair results in enhancing it.

Mix a tablespoon lemon juice into a T-cup yogurt and make a paste. Hair to this paste And put on the skin of the head. about an hour Wash the hair afterwards.

Save the children from direct sunlight, pollution and dirt. These are harmful for hair.

Do not use too much with children, do not use different hair spray, hair gel and styling creams.

For the good health of hair, it is important that your catering is also correct. According to Hair Extensions, it is important for good health of the hair that your diet includes foods containing proteins, vitamins and minerals.
