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RE: Two weeks to the halving!

in #beauty11 months ago

So you can respond to comments.

When I saw these two posts they both said, posted 4 days ago, which is what made me open them. Bad timing for you I guess, but I looked further and saw your lack of responses to many comments left for you and any responses you gave were cursory at best, a few words maybe, or an emoji - but you seem to be able to post with regularity. This leads me to believe you don't care about the interaction, just the auto-votes you get, you know, farming votes. That you failed to address the lack of commenting aspect of my original comment says a lot.

Of course Eva, you're free to align your activity here commensurate to your own wishes, it's your right, but you shouldn't be surprised when others do the same.

Considering your lack of commenting I didn't expect a response from you hence the application of my own freedom of choice (the downvotes), to prompt you, just as you use your own freedom of choice to post a handful of words spinning some aspect of the crypto markets for the auto-votes without bothering to respond to comments left for you.

I remember commenting to you a long time ago, (several lengthy comments which I can find for you and paste here should you wish me to), saying that you're an intelligent person, and that comes through in your posts when you bother to give a fuck about what you write, and I remember saying it'd be nice to see some more of that...but you were disinclined to acquiesce to my suggestion I guess, too much effort required I presume.

Anyway, that's about it, I've nothing more to say really as I don't think you care about much (including my opinion) except the perceived loss of rewards my downvotes have caused you. It'd be nice to see a savvy, switched on person like you posting here with a little more substance and passion, but I don't think that's your way so I'll not belabour the point.


Like you said - everyone is entitled to an opinion. Mighty brave of you to share yours as it is a direct attack on mine pattern of thoughts, work, posting, commenting, upvoting (I don't think you care about much (including my opinion) except the perceived loss of rewards my downvotes have caused you), but since you shared your opinion with me, I also have the right to express mine. And I did it the only way I do know how, with a post. So congratulations, today you made a miserable day and weekend for me - even more miserable.
Last thing to share with you: I dont care about upvotes. What I do care about is getting abused with some downvotes - because in the end, downvotes are exactly that, an abuse toward an individual. So thanks once again for sharing some time (I would say probably 5-10 seconds of time since your due diligence is absolute garbage) on my profile and not see the big picture.
Have a great day ahead of you.

oh, and last but not least:
Congrats! Your comment also made my original blog content today: