Be wary of these mistakes!

in #beauty11 months ago

One of the worst mistakes you can make in this crypto game of ours is suffering from “money comparison” syndrome.

The further we proceed with the bull market, the more you'll see people flexing their gains.

“I’m close to XYZ million”

“I made 4729403422$ from this trade”

These statements will just create a letal spiral of frustration in your head.

The sense that you’re not making enough money will trigger an urge response from your brain, potentially forcing you to chase candles.

This is a trap. This is not real. It is a far cry from reality!

The truths is one, and it is a very simple one:

• Everyone is different with different stories

Some people start with 1000$, some others with 10000$ and another part with 0.

Each path tells its own story. Just follow the path!

You are the master of your own destiny. Trust the process, follow the path - and the final goal will be smiling on us all in due time - financial freedom!

Enjoy Friday lovely souls! ❤️


and you have your own story too it seems

One of the worst mistakes you can make in this crypto game of ours is suffering from “money comparison” syndrome.... This is a trap. This is not real. It is a far cry from reality!

What you say is a variation of that other trap, "Keeping up with the Joneses"; they may look like they're living the high life, but at what cost to their well-being? Are they in debt up to their eyeballs? Did they inherit a fortune from some unknown relative? Are they in thrall as a result of blackmail? Did they truly earn their good fortune the right way? We don't know.

All we can do is follow the plans we set for ourselves. If they get accelerated thanks to a moment of serendipity, even better! If we get help along the way as a result of mutually beneficial actions-- say, invest in my business, and I'll convert my loan to you into a grant-- that's good too. But we can't keep pace with others just for the sake of keeping up appearances. That way lies ruin.

absolutely agree!

There was a time when I used to feel bad about the little money I have but at some point, I’m glad about my achievements

Isn't it wise for one to cautious with information about their finances? One thing I see is that you are beautiful 😃

Isn't it wise for one to cautious with information about their finances? One thing I see is that you are beautiful 😃