Today, I have to be normal.
I am a very outgoing person. I can be crazy at all times (but a good kind of crazy). Not all people can ride the flow of my mood. Most of the people that are very close to me, get too exhausted handling my personality. But even though I am stubborn and annoying. I can be really sweet and caring.
Now, why did I switched personality?
It is all because we have a new employee at work, they said she is a little bit like me. So, they challenged me to be "Normal" by the time she clocks in until I clock out, I have to be just everybody else. At first, I thought it was easy. But everytime I tried, I laughed out loud. It is weird though. It was very uncomfortable.
Although, I have noticed something about how my body react to being "NORMAL". I guess, I am very ihyper at all times and since I changed to be a simple, lady-like, and quiet person. My body became so slow and my mood is so calmed. I have noticed that I keep on yawning and very tired. Even though, it's busy at work, I feel like we are so slow.
It was a lesson learned, I can't be "NORMAL" at all. I am very extra, I guess. I won the bet though , I lasted throughout my whole shift being a "NORMAL" person. It's cool though, I get to have a cake the next time I come in for work (well, hopefully).
But for all of you guys, don't try to be someone else just to be accepted by everyone. The only matter is "YOU", love yourself. Because you are the only one in this world, embraced your uniqueness. And don't let anybody tell you who you are. You are You!
Anyways, that's all I have to share for tonight.
Have a good night!
I had the same experience! I always was so crazy, active and fun! But then at work managers told me that is I want to make a career, I need to become “normal”, so did I. Now I’m not happy about it. And I agree with you- stay yourself no matter what it takes!
@sadovskaya Yes! Very true, I was having a hard time. Especially from keeping myself from dancing or singing with the music. Lol
Always stay the way you are and that will make you happy.
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