Since ancient times, to attract attractiveness, women and girls have used hair coloring. In the ancient east, the health of the future bride was determined by the beauty of her hair. Brilliant and bright hair will adorn any girl.
The use of chemical paints can harm our hair. Curls become dull, dry and brittle. Dandruff may appear. To hide the problem, hair has to be painted more and more often.
Fortunately, there is an alternative to artificial hair dyes. Since ancient times, women have used natural dye, henna, to color their hair. The composition of the paint includes dried and shredded leaves of ungulate.
Buy henna powder can be in the pharmacy or in a number of large supermarkets. Paint is much cheaper than chemical analogs.
To color medium length hair you will need one package. Pour dry parashek should be boiled water. Let the mass brew. Add in the composition of essential oils, for example lemon to give brightness to the color and facilitate the combing of hair. If you dye your gray hair, or want to achieve a dark chestnut hair color, mix the powder of henna with basma powder in a one to one ratio.
Apply the prepared mass to the hair and tighten them tightly. Try to stay warm. In practice, it is better to keep the composition on your hair for at least two hours. The most effective way to leave the mask on your head for the whole night. After staining, rinse hair well with shampoo. Then try not to wash your hair for three days. The final color appears only after a few days.
Your hair is guaranteed to get an extraordinary shine and a unique color. When staining henna, each person has his own, peculiar to him shade.
Thank you so much for this useful information... A better solution to my hair.
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