What is Beauty? A Reflection for the Day

in #beauty5 years ago

Today is one of those days when I’m feeling a bit more introspective. So I want you to consider this question: When someone asks you who the most beautiful woman in the world is, who do you think of? Often times the answer is a celebrity or model. Other times it’s a mother or other relative. But what is beauty, really?

Is it looking flawless with perfect brows, contoured cheekbones and a perfectly styled head of hair? Maybe even a killer outfit? That all sounds fabulous, and I don’t know a single person who wouldn’t want that. But what about integrity, courage, compassion, and humility? I’ve met a lot of women (and men, too) who look like the cover model of a magazine but have a truly disappointing personality. In my eyes, no amount of makeup and fancy clothing can mask an ugly heart. When I meet someone who is generous, has a big heart, or even refuses to conform to the usual standard of beauty because they love themselves as they are…to me that person is beautiful. People are drawn to others that always smile and have a contagious laugh.

While I enjoy my cosmetics and handbags, shoes, etc. there are days that I just don’t feel like wearing all of that. Maybe it’s raining outside and I have nowhere to go, or maybe I’m feeling a little under the weather. Regardless of the why, we should all be able to take a day “off” like that. Because who we are as a person is much more important than the way we look. What good am I as a wife if my nails are manicured but I don’t love and care for my husband? Or a mother that is more concerned with her vanity than teaching her children? I want people to remember me for my character and how I treat others (and looking good while I’m at it is just a plus!)

Now I’m sure that tomorrow I’ll be back with a full face and something other than my yoga pants ;) but for today, I’m okay with just being me. My possessions and my looks don’t define me, and I know that I am loved (and love myself) whether I apply my beloved products or not.

Hopefully, this message reaches someone in need of remembering what makes them beautiful. Because we are all beautiful, truly, for what is in our hearts.