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RE: Bedtime Facts (182/365)

Hi Markku. Kind of makes sense. I shop for what is needed and rarely spoil myself. Females tend to buy what's new and are fed with adverts. The younger guys are brand aware now though so this may change in the future.


I agree with you. I am one of those "young guys" who are brand aware. That doesn't mean that I buy brand clothes or anything but still. I think that men buy big things more easily than women but women on the other buy more of cheaper things than men.

We are alike.

My wife is ashamed of my shoes and my t-shirts have holes in them. Money is lifeblood and I consider keeping up with the Joneses a complete waste of life. To me money represents freedom and security first and foremost. If I have money, it means I will have options and will not have to take orders and shit from anyone. Having my money spent on frivolous shit makes me feel anger and despair. Making money is hard work and throwing money or any resources away carelessly really hurts me. My ancestors were most likely farmers in the marginal lands of the extreme north and I have the genes for thrift.

I am not a scrooge but have learnt to look after what I have. I have a pair of leather boots that are still perfect. I bought them in 1990. They have truck tires for soles and are good for another 20 years. That has been my best buy ever. the funny thing is I bought an extra pair because I liked them so much. i probably won't get to wear them. If they were not handmade and a brand name item I would have thrown them away 25 years ago. Nothing lasts today. It is a throw away society.