So many great beers that it hard to pick out one favorite. #beer
I guess sometimes living in a certain part of the country or certain country itself will give you that option.
Like I live in st.louis and my favorite beer is budweiser. I use to live in las vegas and the norm was miller lite which I drank my share. I am also fond of guiness, shocktop, heinken and dos equix as well.
Just curious for those who have a beer on occasion or from time to time what's your favorite, comment below.
Fist City - Revolution Brewing
Lil Sumpin Supin - Lagunitas
Daisy Cutter - Half Acre
Gumball - Two Brothers
Zombie Dust - Three Floyds
All Day IPA - Founders
My favorite beer would be Original, indeed!
Perfect, pure malt, real flavor, just what we all look for in a beer!
thank you for your comment
Back 35 years ago Budweiser used to print on the cans where that can was produced. (Now they print all the major cities on each can so you can't tell). I lived in California at that time and when we found the St. Louis Bud we bought all we could get. I really think it was the water used to make it but it tasted sooooooo much better than something produced in California.