in #beer8 years ago (edited)

Mildred turns 103 years on August 31. She survived the Great Depression and two husbands, and ensures that your habit of taking a half liter of beer each day has a lot to do with that long life.
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American Mildred Bowers to celebrate 103 years young, and partly attributed his longevity to the daily tankard never renounces take.
Mildred turns 103 years on August 31. She survived the Great Depression and two husbands, and ensures that your habit of taking a half liter of beer each day has a lot to do with that long life.
"It's all in the genes, I feel good because I have good health," says the centenarian, who lives in South Carolina, interviewed by Live 5 News.
"Yes, I have a beer per day. Doctor's orders," he laughs.
While your doctor will not prescribe such a thing, it is true that gave the nod to your daily intake, after she "shared her love of drink" with her nurses care center.
So while others take afternoon tea, she enjoys her beer every afternoon at four o'clock.
Questioned about whether thinks fit than other elderly people take their custom, she says yes. "I think so, if they like."
Mildred is not the first person with age after amateur figures alcohol.
Agnes Fenton, who on August 1 turned 111 years, said that fifty years began to drink every day three cans of beer and a shot of whiskey blue label.
However, she attributes his long life to something more than drinks.
"When I turned one hundred years stopped me in the mirror and I thanked God for being still here, and I appreciate it every morning," he says.