Beer Tasting - Porter ('Stay Puft' by Tiny Rebel Brewery)

in #beer7 years ago

Is that green I see? Just after I sold all of my Bitcoin at 5900$!? No, the fate isn’t that cruel. I am a serious hodler, be it a beer mug or crypto assets. I will forever stay loyal!

Image source

Let’s check out the chart, just because it can give us a bit of relief. I congratulate all of you who held through these desperate times. Be mindful here, I sense a disturbance in the force when we hit the yellow line.

But trading never sleeps. Look at XZC, a privacy coin! Didn’t dip a lot, and held up valiantly amidst the crash. Only one way to go now - up!

Earlier today hourly BTC showed only sadness so I found my own happy hour at the ubiquitous Craft Room.

Wonderful artwork on this Welsh brewery, wouldn’t you agree?

I found yet another new small craft brewery in the making! I wonder how all of them finance themselves. I mean, that beer is expensive!

Beer menu

Photo shoot

Tiny Rebel Stay Puft

CountryMonmouthshire, Rogerstone, Wales
BreweryTiny Rebel Brewery
AppearancePerfect tan nitro head. Pitch black.
AromaSmells like real marshmallow. Creamy, sweet, milky. Candy, lots of candy. Wonderful. Evokes childhood memories.
TasteMarshmallow mixed with milk chocolate shake. So tasty a kid could down it.
PalateA bit too watery but silky smooth. Slight bittery aftertaste is the only real reminder this is indeed a beer.
OverallI am not sure if this kind of feel and taste is possible without artificial addons. But who cares when this is the result! On the sweet side of beer family.
Score (subjective)18/20

Price: 15 kuna (2.50 $) for 0.15 l. On tap at a bat. Splurge.

This review was improved by RateBeer!

Top notch!
Please drink with style and responsibility!

Camera: Cell phone - Moto G4 Plus 16MP

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Buy BTC with Coinbase. Free 10$ in the link. Don’t want to spend money and you don’t like writing posts? Check out @sportsncoffee and @steempickem for FREE Sports Contests!

BOOZE coin is back! Just visit the brewery, fill in your data and claim some free coins here:

Join #beersaturday contest and win prizes! Organised by @detlev and @buzzbeergeek.

Video instructions:

Drink > take notes to remember afterwards > post > win SBD!

I offer good curation rewards if you’d like to follow my trail! Find me in chat or discord. Same username. Earn while you sleep! Expect @adventureevryday, @professorbromide, @cheftony, @derrick829, @kriptonoob, @anejosua’s vote and many more when I upvote! If you liked their vote, show some love back! Find me at


I thought just in a brief moment, that you have really sold your bitcoins... 😆
Perfect head on this one! Creaminess on a top level. Heard only good things about Tiny Rebel...

This crash has gotten a whole lof of us newbies in the crypto business worried, given the fact that I was hoping to invest funds into the trade market and start trading myself, what's your take on the reason for the crash? Do you expect coin values to raise anytime soon? And why?

Just pure speculation and panic. The market is all emotions, little real research. Mainstream media do their thing and selling starts. I also invested too soon. We should always keep some reserve for dips!

It really feels sad at first, seeing BTC crashed yet I still have this hope that everything will be alright soon. I still believe in the saying what goes up must come down and vice versa. Drinking a glass of beer is good and even though you have described the taste of it I am still curious. :)

hehe, thanks! I think it will be more than fine. I'm just not sure on 'soon' part! Cheers!

Hehe, it's always nice to see some green colors after such a big crash, but who knows, maybe it's not for long as it could still go a bit lower. Though it doesn't matter, because it will definitely bounce back. We are not losing money as long as we are HODLING! Selling is the worst thing you can do right now... But buying into cryptos right now would be a smart decision! Discounts everywhere :)

Looks awesome, but that is a good point about the likely artificial booster in there somewhere. I like my beers dark and on the sweet side, but there can be too much of a good thing.

I really love that Tiny Rebel mascot guy. He brings a big smile to my face every time I see him! :)

I’m only here for the beer and this one sounds delicious to me!! I doubt I’ll ever see it but fun to see all the other beers in the world!

Yeah, after a year here I have a pretty decent spread. Maybe I turn it into something one day!

I really enjoy you mixing crypto knowledge with beer tastings... it's like having a beer with your buddies after work. You shoot the shit and have a drink... good call on the porter too, sounds delicious!

Nice to see the green let’s hope it lasts a little while at least

Finely brewed beer. Now, you selling all your bitcoin might send a wrong message to an optimist. But I am sure you have the right to whatever choices you make.

but then, with every discouraging fall of bitcoin or crypto coins, I recommend a beer. it makes me feel better and I am sure it would make HODLers feel great too..

thanks @buzzbeergeek

Classic won't dip until after the air dropped privacy bitcoin and then it's going to tank (I'm thinking of the right coin correct?)

Nice head retention on that beer. Looks good. The US Senate meeting seemed to go fairly well today for crypto. That should help with some doubt and uncertainty, so maybe the bottom is in? Things are picking back up a little bit now...although still a long way to go.