If you met Obiwan Kenobi at the Mos Eisley cantina, I could imagine the following conversation when you are eyeing his pint of cold brew awesomeness:
Kenobi: “This is not the beer you are looking for..”
You: “This is not the beer I am looking for..”
Kenobi: “You will get a beer, and buy one for me as well.”
You (to the bartender): “I will get a beer, and buy one for this gentleman as well.”
I just like this glass. It’s a pint glass from the time I went to the Star Wars Cantina in downtown Los Angeles a year or two ago. The cantina was a dive bar turned into Star Wars themed bar. I think it had it’s grand opening between The Force Awakens and Rogue One theatrical releases. I’m pretty sure I wrote about in previously in my blog.
This mighty pint glass has been filled with a mighty fine brew made here in CA. Firestone 805 is the beer in my pint glass. The beer is an awesome and refreshing blonde Ale.
A great beer for the end of the work week. And, exclaiming my joy for the simple things in life.