Because why not.

in #beer6 years ago (edited)

Because work was busy, the weather is cold as a witch’s tit and the markets are grizzly.

I figured I deserved a nice beer.

I bought it over the weekend, planning to drink it then, but as luck would have it, I didn’t. Leasing it cols and ready for me tonight.



I’m enjoying a Sgt. Nightvision, a thick black Imperial / Double Stout by Brewery Het Uiltje (The little Owl)

It has an ABV of 10.5 with an IBU of 80.

It’s doing wonders for my mood 😏

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OMG Wiches have cold tits ? Didnt know that, and the beer looks just as dark as the gozers at the café .... geef je broer er ook een wordt hij gezellig van😉

I was in the neighborhood and just wondered; Why are you always so focussed on tits? hahaha.

Dunno. I guess I subconciously think that tits are awesome ?! 🤷🏼‍♂️

Big or small; like 'em all.

you bet they have !! Witches are coldhearted bitches so there’s that.

As for the beer, yeah ot’s comparable to Kaapse Gozer, which is a great beer in it’s own right.

Seeing as my brother is a wineman, I can only assume the Gozer snuck up on him 😂