Good review! I pickup up a 6pack of Ghost Hammer last week. I thought it was pretty good, and I'm not usually one for IPAs. Haven't seen the other two around my area yet.
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Good review! I pickup up a 6pack of Ghost Hammer last week. I thought it was pretty good, and I'm not usually one for IPAs. Haven't seen the other two around my area yet.
I am a sucker for anything by Stone...I can think of only one time I didn't snag one of their "Enjoy By IPA's" when I saw it. They just know how to make an IPA that speaks to me!
Not sure where you are at, but I gotta recommend one of my new favorite breweries. Paradox, if you come across anything by them pick it up! Every beer is barrel aged and bottle conditioned, really interesting things they are doing with their beers.
I'm in the Ozark Mountains of NW Arkansas. We've got a lot of craft breweries up here, and the stores carry a good selection. I guess I should do more beer reviews. lol.
I've had Stone's Mocha IPA and the Xocoveza Winter Spiced Mocha Stout. So far Stone is good. :)
Oh gosh, I feel like as I get more into these reviews I might eventually have to try a mocha beer. I hate the taste of coffee though so I am nervous that I just won't be able to do them justice...
You never know. It may end up like the review I did for Bell's Pooltime Ale a few days ago. It had cherry juice in it (the beer, not the review), and i'm not a fan of most things like that, but it turned out to be pretty good.
Ooh, I will check that out right now! I am actually a fan of fruit beers...during the summer at least.